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Created February 26, 2018 05:09
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Module 2 Professional Development
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Individual StoryWriting
I have always been an idealist at heart, and it's something I'm proud not to have lost. I majored in Environmental Studies because on the most basic level I wanted to create a better world. After working in several different environmental non-profits after college, I realized the non-profit world was not best at implementing fast and creative solutions on grand scales. The most out-of-the-box move that my last non-profit did was host an app challenge for environmental health. It was this app challenge that opened my eyes to the world of data and how the growing wealth of environmental health metadata could actually create solutions to curb the growth of chronic diseases, mitigates climate change and help so many other environmental health problems. I excel in my ability to see problems and act on them, which is why I enrolled in Turing to become part of data-driven solutions. Turing has tested my abilities in many ways, but the biggest thing it has taught me is that my conviction to keep pursuing a fix even though I have had to give up a lot of things in the short term.... or something.

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