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Last active October 14, 2015 14:43
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code generator config

Using Giiant with Providers

The following code should be added to the bootstrap of your yii application. If you would like to keep it in it's own file (recommended) create a config/giiant.php, then include it from your config/bootstrap.php.


Use a DateTimePicker for the scheduled_at field:

\Yii::$container->set('schmunk42\giiant\crud\providers\DateTimeProvider', [
    'columnNames' => ['scheduled_at'],

Callback Provider

The callback provider allows you to override the values of model attributes during code generation. There are 3 sections this applies to:

  • columnFormats - used in GridView on the index view.
  • attributeFormats - used in DetailView on the view view.
  • activeFields, prependActiveFields and appendActiveFields - used in ActiveForm on the _form view.

Example Model

Below is an example of the model we are working with. The methods required are:

  • optsStatus - return dropdown data in the ActiveForm on the form view.
  • getStatusLabel - return html string to be used in GridView and DetailView on the index and view pages.
namespace app\models;
use Yii;

class Job extends base\Job
    const STATUS_REQUESTED = 'requested';
    const STATUS_SCHEDULED = 'scheduled';
    const STATUS_DELIVERED = 'delivered';

    public static function optsStatus($type = null)
        return [
            null => '',
            self::STATUS_REQUESTED => self::STATUS_REQUESTED,
            self::STATUS_SCHEDULED => self::STATUS_SCHEDULED,
            self::STATUS_DELIVERED => self::STATUS_DELIVERED,

    public function getStatusLabel()
        return '<span class="label label-status-' . $this->status . '">' . $this->status . '</span>';



Display a column using a callback to Job::getStatusLabel():

$columnJobStatus = function ($attribute, $generator) {
return <<<INPUT
    'attribute' => '{$attribute->name}',
    'format' => 'raw',
    'value' => function (\$model) {
        return \$model->getStatusLabel();
$columnMultiLine = function ($attribute, $generator) {
return <<<INPUT
    'attribute' => '{$attribute->name}',
    'format' => 'ntext',

Join them into $columnFormats, using the key as a regex to the model and attribute:

$columnFormats = [
    'Job.status'              => $columnJobStatus,
    '.*\.address$|.*\.notes$' => $columnMultiLine,


Display an attribute using a callback to Job::getStatusLabel():

$attributeJobStatus = function ($attribute, $generator) {
return <<<INPUT
        'format' => 'html',
        'attribute' => '{$attribute->name}',
        'value' => \$model->getStatusLabel(),

Display multi-line attributes with ntext format:

$attributeMultiLine = function ($attribute, $generator) {
return <<<INPUT
        'format' => 'ntext',
        'attribute' => '{$attribute->name}',

Join them into $attributeFormats, using the key as a regex to the model and attribute:

$attributeFormats = [
    'Job.status'              => $attributeJobStatus,
    '.*\.address$|.*\.notes$' => $attributeMultiLine,


Use a radio list field:

$fieldJobType = function ($attribute, $generator) {
    $data = \yii\helpers\VarDumper::export(['pickup' => Yii::t('app', 'Pickup'), 'delivery' => Yii::t('app', 'Delivery')]);
    return <<<INPUT
\$form->field(\$model, '{$attribute->name}')->radioList({$data});

Customise the select field (the generator will already create this, only needed if you want to tweak it):

$fieldJobStatus = function ($attribute, $generator) {
    return <<<INPUT
$form->field($model, '{$attribute->name}')->dropDownList(Job::optsStatus());

Use a text area for multi-line attributes:

$fieldMultiLine = function ($attribute, $generator) {
return <<<INPUT
    \$form->field(\$model, '{$attribute->name}')->textarea();

Join them into $activeFields, using the key as a regex to the model and attribute:

$activeFields = [
    'Job.type' => $fieldJobType,
    'Job.status' => $fieldJobStatus,
    '.*\.address$|.*\.notes$' => $fieldMultiLine,

prependActiveFields and appendActiveFields

If we want to output something before or after the ActiveField, we can use prependActiveFields and appendActiveFields.

For example we only want to show the fields that are safe:

$prependFieldSafe = function ($attribute, $generator) {
    return <<<INPUT
if(\$model->isAttributeSafe('{$attribute->name}')) {
$appendFieldSafe = function ($attribute, $generator) {
    return <<<INPUT

Join them into $prependActiveFields and $appendActiveFields, using the key as a regex to the model and attribute:

$prependActiveFields = [
    '.*' => $prependFieldSafe,
$appendActiveFields = [
    '.*' => $appendFieldSafe,

Join it all together

To invoke the callback provider we pass in our callbacks as follows:

\Yii::$container->set('schmunk42\giiant\crud\providers\CallbackProvider', [
    'columnFormats' => $columnFormats,
    'attributeFormats' => $attributeFormats,
    'activeFields' => $activeFields,
    'prependActiveFields' => $prependActiveFields,
    'appendActiveFields' => $appendActiveFields,
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