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Created September 16, 2011 11:58
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INSERT INTO `delayed_jobs` (`priority`, `attempts`, `handler`, `last_error`, `run_at`, `locked_at`, `failed_at`, `locked_by`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, 0, '--- !ruby/struct:Delayed::PerformableMailer \n
object: !ruby/class NotifyMailer\n
method_name: :msc_change\n
args: \n
- !ruby/ActiveRecord:Device \n
attributes: \n
id: 31\n
INSERT INTO `delayed_jobs` (`priority`, `attempts`, `handler`, `last_error`, `run_at`, `locked_at`, `failed_at`, `locked_by`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, 0, '--- !ruby/struct:Delayed::PerformableMailer \n
object: !ruby/object:Class NotifyMailer\n
method_name: :msc_change\n
args: \n
- !ruby/object:Device \n
attributes: \n
id: 1\n
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