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Created November 22, 2015 03:30
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  • Save cornfact/9d9692927aa2db8bc1dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cornfact/9d9692927aa2db8bc1dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
REVISED Corn Yield
date bushels
1934 1.1
1944 1.8
1954 2.7
1964 3.5
1974 4.7
1984 7.7
1994 10.1
2004 11.8
2005 11.1
2006 10.5
2007 13.0
2008 12.1
2009 13.1
2010 12.4
2011 12.4
2012 10.8
2013 13.9
2014 14.2
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<h1>U.S. corn production, 1934-2014</h1>
<p>Corn production shown in billions of bushels. 2014 was a record year while the 2012 crop was hit by drought. <a href="">NCGA, 2015</a></p>
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