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cornfeedhobo cornfeedhobo

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cornfeedhobo /
Created January 24, 2025 10:29
azure vm terraform
provider "azurerm" {}
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "example" {
name = "example"
location = "North Central US"
resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "example" {
name = "example"
address_space = [
cornfeedhobo / main.go
Created January 9, 2025 23:23
quick and dirty cli to pull objects that were client side encrypted
package main
import (
cornfeedhobo /
Last active November 8, 2024 16:27



  1. Meet and make friends with other traders in the Monero community.
  2. To have a channel that fosters learning, analysis, and general discussion related to the Monero Markets.
  3. Make predictions, test, and verify them. Improve your market analysis skills.
  4. Share interesting news, How-Tos, RFCs, etc.
  5. To achieve a high signal to noise ratio of content.


cornfeedhobo / _helpers.tpl
Last active January 22, 2024 02:06
Helm Macro - toYamlPretty - A recursive YAML formatter
{{- define "toPrettyYaml" -}}
{{- $out := "" -}}
{{- range $k, $v := . -}}
{{- if not (empty $v) -}}
{{- /* Walk any maps */ -}}
{{- if kindIs "map" $v -}}
{{- $out = (print $out
$k ":\n"
(include "toPrettyYaml" $v | indent 2)

L.G.T.M. Helm Chart Issue

This document proposes new standards for the L.G.T.M. observability stack helm charts.

prometheus-community helm charts review

prometheus-community has a lot of charts, but all the multi-charts center around the operator.

I propose getting them involved in this effort and decompose the existing charts.

cornfeedhobo /
Last active November 5, 2023 14:13
Retrieve helm deployment json from a provided secret name
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
cat >&2 <<-USAGE
Usage: $0 <namespace>/<secret>
Example: $0 cert-manager/sh.helm.release.v1.cert-manager.v1
exit 1
cornfeedhobo / Dockerfile
Last active April 18, 2023 20:29
flutter devcontainer example
FROM opensuse/tumbleweed:latest
RUN set -ex && \
rpm --import && \
zypper addrepo google-chrome && \
rpm --import && \
zypper addrepo vscode && \
zypper refresh && \
zypper install --no-confirm \
binutils \
cornfeedhobo / sort-timestamp-history
Last active May 5, 2022 01:15
Sort bash history files with timestamps
# Example usage:
# cat hosts/*/.bash_history | sort-timestamp-history > merged_history
exec \
sed \
-e '/^$/d' \
-e '/^#/N' \
-e '/^#/!s/^/#0\n/' \
cornfeedhobo /
Last active May 28, 2024 16:56
Framework Laptop Customizations

Framework Laptop Customizations

This documents the changes made while installing OpenSUSE LEAP 15.3 on the Framework Laptop (1st edition).

Guided install

During the guided install, there are some minor changes that will make things smoother later.

cornfeedhobo / 99-framework.conf
Created February 28, 2022 17:49
Framework Laptop Customizations
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "Framework Clickpad"
MatchProduct "Touchpad"
MatchDriver "synaptics"
# Enable clicking
Option "ClickPad" "true"
Option "EmulateMidButtonTime" "0
Option "ClickMethod" "clickfinger"
Option "ClickFinger1" "1"