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Last active December 9, 2019 15:19
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SACNR property filter script
var e = document.querySelector('html body.houses div#page div#content div.section div');
var f = document.createElement('div');
f.setAttribute('style', 'margin: 0px 15px 10px; padding: 5px; border: 0.5px solid black;');
var a = document.createElement('div');
a.setAttribute('id', 'ints');
a.innerHTML = 'Ints: ';
for (var i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
if (i < 13) {
var b = document.createElement('label');
var c = document.createElement('input');
c.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
c.value = i;
c.setAttribute('style', 'margin-right: 8px;')
b.innerHTML += i + ' ';
f.innerHTML += 'Last visit (days ago): ';
var g = document.createElement('input');
g.setAttribute('id', 'lv');
g.setAttribute('value', '0');
f.innerHTML += '<br>Money: ';
var k = document.createElement('input');
k.setAttribute('id', 'mon');
k.setAttribute('value', '0');
f.innerHTML += '<br>Owner: ';
var p = document.createElement('input');
p.setAttribute('id', 'own');
p.setAttribute('value', 'Anyone');
f.innerHTML += '<br>Locations: ';
var k = document.createElement('input');
k.setAttribute('id', 'locs');
k.setAttribute('value', 'Everywhere');
f.innerHTML += '<br>';
var l = document.createElement('button');
l.setAttribute('onclick', 'filter()');
l.setAttribute('id', 'fb');
l.setAttribute('style', 'width: 75px');
l.innerHTML = 'Go';
function filter() {
document.getElementById('fb').innerHTML = 'Loading...';
setTimeout(function() {
var ints = []; // interior ids (see e.g.
var cb = document.getElementById('ints').childNodes;
for (var i = 1; i < cb.length; i++) {
if (cb[i].childNodes[1].checked) {
ints.push(i - 1);
var lv = parseInt(document.getElementById('lv').value); // days since last visit
var mon = parseInt(document.getElementById('mon').value); // minimum amount of money stored in house
var locs = document.getElementById('locs').value.split(','); // If empty it will search everywhere
var owners = document.getElementById('own').value.split(',');
var m = document.querySelector('html body.houses div#page div#content div.section');
var old = document.getElementById('hl');
if (old) m.removeChild(old);
var o = document.createElement('div');
o.setAttribute('id', 'hl');
o.setAttribute('style', 'margin: 15px 30px;');
var d = new Date;
d.setDate(d.getDate() - lv);
var e = new Date,
mapType = new SanMapType(0, 5, function(e, i, s) {
return -1 == i && -1 == s ? "/maps/tiles/basic.outer.png" : "/maps/tiles/basic." + e + "." + i + "." + s + ".png"
satType = new SanMapType(0, 3, function(e, i, s) {
return -1 == i && -1 == s ? "/maps/tiles/sat.outer.png" : "/maps/tiles/sat." + e + "." + i + "." + s + ".png"
map = SanMap.createMap(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), {
Map: mapType,
Satellite: satType
}, 2, null, !1, "Satellite");
var iconOwned = "/maps/icons/unavailable.png", iconUnowned = "/maps/icons/house.png", mapInfo = [], mapHouses = [];
for (var i = 0; i < houses.length; i++) {
var info = "", icon = "";
if ((ints.includes(parseInt(houses[i].interior)) || 0 == ints.length) && houses[i].lastvisit + "000" < d.getTime() && houses[i].money >= mon && (locs.includes('Everywhere') || locs.includes(houses[i].zone)) && (owners.includes('Anyone') || owners.includes(houses[i].owner))) {
var lastvisit = new Date(parseInt(houses[i].lastvisit + "000"));
o.innerHTML += "House ID: <a href='/house/" + houses[i].house_id + "/' target='_blank'>" + houses[i].house_id + "</a>, Int: " + houses[i].interior + ", Owner: " + houses[i].owner + ", Money: $" + parseInt(houses[i].money, 10).formatMoney(0, ".", ",") + ", Location: " + houses[i].zone + ", Last visit: " + ((e - lastvisit) / 864e5 | 0) + " days ago<br>";
icon = "SACNR Inc." != houses[i].owner ? iconOwned : iconUnowned;
info += "<div class='map-spacing'><b><a href='/house/" + houses[i].house_id + "/'>" + houses[i].name + "</a></b></div>" + "<div><b>Owner:</b> <a href='/u/" + houses[i].owner + "'>" + houses[i].owner + "</a></div>" + "<div><b>Location:</b> " + houses[i].zone + "</div>" + "<div><b>Money:</b> $" + parseInt(houses[i].money, 10).formatMoney(0, ".", ",") + "</div>" + "<div><b>Value:</b> $" + parseInt(houses[i].value, 10).formatMoney(0, ".", ",") + "</div>" + "<div><b>Original value:</b> $" + parseInt(houses[i].org_value, 10).formatMoney(0, ".", ",") + "</div>", parseInt(houses[i].rent, 10) > 0 && (info += "<div><b>Rent:</b> $" + parseInt(houses[i].rent, 10).formatMoney(0, ".", ",") + "</div>") + "<div class='map-spacing'><b>Interior:</b> " + houses[i].interior + "</div>" + "<div><img src='/img/int/" + houses[i].interior + ".png' alt='Interior " + houses[i].interior + "'></div>";
mapInfo[i] = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: info
}), mapHouses[i] = new google.maps.Marker({
position: SanMap.getLatLngFromPos(houses[i].floatx, houses[i].floaty),
map: map,
icon: icon
}), google.maps.event.addListener(mapHouses[i], "click", function(e) {
var i = mapHouses.indexOf(this);
map.setCenter(this.position), mapInfo[i].open(map, this)
document.getElementById('fb').innerHTML = 'Go';
}, 5);
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