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Created June 11, 2018 18:16
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Graphing gender expression in my org-mode journal
* Graphs
** Gender Expression
#+name: mtf
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports none :results silent
(lambda ()
(list (car (s-split " " (org-no-properties (org-get-heading t t t t))))
(--if-let (org-entry-get (point) "MTF")
(string-to-number it))
(--if-let (org-entry-get (point) "Outfit")
(s-split " " it)))))
(-filter (lambda (x) (= 10 (length (car x))))))
#+BEGIN_SRC python :var data=mtf :var filename="journal-gender-expression.png" :results file :exports results
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
data = [{'date': datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d'),
'mtf': mtf or None,
'outfit': outfit}
for date, mtf, outfit in data]
data = pd.DataFrame(data).set_index('date')
mtf = pd.Series(data[data['mtf'] > 0]['mtf'] - 3)
hasboobs = data['outfit'].apply(lambda x: 'boobs' in x)
boobs = pd.Series(data[hasboobs]['mtf'] - 3)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_title('Gender Expression Over Time')
mtf.plot(ax=ax, ylim=(-2, 2), yticks=[2, 0, -2], color='mediumpurple', label='Gender')
boobs.plot(ax=ax, marker='o', linewidth=0, color='hotpink', label='Boobs')
ax.set_yticklabels(['F', 'A', 'M'])
ax.axhspan(-2, 0, alpha=0.3, color='lightblue')
ax.axhspan(0, 2, alpha=0.3, color='pink')
return filename
* 2018
** 2018-06 June
*** 2018-06-09 Saturday
:MTF: 5
:Outfit: boobs top tight-jeans sandals makeup
[2018-06-09 Sat 21:22]
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