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Created September 23, 2016 09:59
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My latexmkrc
# latexmk config file
# %B: base of filename for current command. E.g., if a postscript file is being made from the dvi file document.dvi, then the basename is document.
# %D: destination file (e.g., the name of the postscript file when converting a dvi file to postscript).
# %O: options
# %R: root filename. This is the base name for the main tex file.
# %S: source file (e.g., the name of the dvi file when converting a dvi file to ps).
# %T: The name of the primary tex file.
# %Y: Name of directory for auxiliary output files (see the configuration variable $aux_dir). A directory separation character (’/’) is appended if $aux_dir is non-empty and does not end in a suitable character, with suitable characters being those appropriate to UNIX and MS-Windows, i.e., ’:’, ’/’ and ’\’.
# %Z: Name of directory for output files (see the configuration variable $out_dir). A directory separation character (’/’) is appended if $out_dir is non-empty and does not end in a suitable character, with suitable characters being those appropriate to UNIX and MS-Windows, i.e., ’:’, ’/’ and ’\’.
# PDF settings
$pdflatex='xelatex --shell-escape %O %S -pdf -dvi- -ps-';
$biber='biber --input-directory=bib %O %S';
# Previewer settings
$pdf_previewer='start /usr/bin/evince %O %S 2>/dev/null';
# Misc settings
# Notification settings
my $notify_id=-1;
$compiling_cmd='internal my_compilation_cmd';
$failure_cmd='internal my_failure_cmd';
$success_cmd='internal my_success_cmd';
sub my_compilation_cmd {
$notify_id = `notify-send -p -t 2000 -i emblem-synchronizing -r $notify_id "latexmk" "compiling" 2>/dev/null`;
sub my_failure_cmd {
$notify_id = `notify-send -p -t 2000 -i emblem-important -r $notify_id "latexmk" "compilation failed" 2>/dev/null`;
sub my_success_cmd {
$notify_id = `notify-send -p -t 2000 -i emblem-default -r $notify_id "latexmk" "compilation successful" 2>/dev/null`;
# vim: ft=perl syntax=on
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