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Last active April 30, 2019 19:23
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LuaJIT string hash table woes
--- Plumbing
local ffi = require"ffi"
ffi.cdef"char* strstr(const char*, const char*)"
local strstr = ffi.C.strstr
local cast = ffi.cast
local str_hash_offset = cast("uint32_t*", strstr("*", ""))[-2] == 1 and 3 or 2
local function str_hash(s)
return cast("uint32_t*", strstr(s, "")) - str_hash_offset
local table_new = require""
--- Prepare some objects
local victims = {}
local orig_hash = {}
for c in ("abcdef"):gmatch"." do
local v = c .. "{09add58a-13a4-44e0-a52c-d44d0f9b2b95}"
victims[c] = v
orig_hash[c] = str_hash(v)[0]
do --- Basic version of the problem
for k, v in pairs(victims) do
str_hash(v)[0] = 0
local t = table_new(0, 8)
-- Make chain a -> b -> c -> d, all with a as primary
t[victims.a] = true
t[victims.d] = true
t[victims.c] = true
t[victims.b] = true
-- Change c's primary to b, and d's primary to c
t[victims.d] = nil
t[victims.c] = nil
str_hash(victims.c)[0] = 5
str_hash(victims.d)[0] = 6
t[victims.c] = true
t[victims.d] = true
-- Insert something with b as primary
str_hash(victims.e)[0] = 5
t[victims.e] = true
-- Check for consistency
for c in ("abcde"):gmatch"." do
assert(t[victims[c]], c)
do --- Just `mn != freenode` can lead to infinite loops
for k, v in pairs(victims) do
str_hash(v)[0] = 0
local t = table_new(0, 8)
-- Make chain a -> b -> c -> d, all with a as primary
t[victims.a] = true
t[victims.d] = true
t[victims.c] = true
t[victims.b] = true
-- Change c's primary to b, and d's primary to d
t[victims.d] = nil
t[victims.c] = nil
str_hash(victims.c)[0] = 5
str_hash(victims.d)[0] = 7
t[victims.c] = true
t[victims.d] = true
-- Insert something with b as primary
str_hash(victims.e)[0] = 5
t[victims.e] = true
-- Insert something with d as primary (infinite lookup loop)
str_hash(victims.f)[0] = 7
t[victims.f] = true
do --- Just `mn != nn` can lead to infinite loops
for k, v in pairs(victims) do
str_hash(v)[0] = 0
local t = table_new(0, 8)
-- Make chain a -> b -> c -> d -> e, all with a as primary
t[victims.a] = true
t[victims.e] = true
t[victims.d] = true
t[victims.c] = true
t[victims.b] = true
-- Change c's primary to b, d's primary to d, and e's primary to d
t[victims.e] = nil
t[victims.d] = nil
t[victims.c] = nil
str_hash(victims.c)[0] = 4
str_hash(victims.d)[0] = 6
str_hash(victims.e)[0] = 6
t[victims.c] = true
t[victims.d] = true
t[victims.e] = true
-- Insert something with b as primary (infinite rechaining loop)
str_hash(victims.f)[0] = 4
t[victims.f] = true
for i = 0, 10 do --- Non-strings can need rechaining too
local k = tonumber((("0x%xp-1074"):format(i)))
str_hash(victims.a)[0] = 0
str_hash(victims.b)[0] = 0
local t = table_new(0, 4)
-- a -> b, both with a as primary
t[victims.a] = true
t[victims.b] = true
-- Change b's primary to b
t[victims.b] = nil
str_hash(victims.b)[0] = 3
t[victims.b] = true
-- Might get a -> b -> k, with k's primary as b
t[k] = true
-- Change b's primary to a
t[victims.b] = nil
str_hash(victims.b)[0] = 0
t[victims.b] = true
-- Insert something with b as primary
str_hash(victims.c)[0] = 3
t[victims.c] = true
-- Check for consistency
assert(t[k], i)
for i = 0, 10 do --- Non-strings can be moved to freenode
local k = false
str_hash(victims.a)[0] = 0
str_hash(victims.b)[0] = 0
local t = table_new(0, 4)
-- a -> k -> b, all with a as primary
t[victims.a] = true
t[victims.b] = true
t[k] = true
-- Change b's primary to k
t[victims.b] = nil
str_hash(victims.b)[0] = 2
t[victims.b] = true
-- Insert a non-string with primary of k
t[tonumber((("0x%xp-1074"):format(i)))] = true
-- Check for consistency
assert(t[victims.b], i)
do --- Do not forget to advance freenode in the not-string case
local t = table_new(0, 4)
-- Chain of colliding numbers
t[0x0p-1074] = true
t[0x4p-1074] = true
t[0x8p-1074] = true
-- Steal middle node of the chain to be a main node (infinite walking loop)
t[0x2p-1074] = true
--- Restore interpreter invariants, just in case
for c, v in pairs(victims) do
str_hash(v)[0] = orig_hash[c]
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