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corsix/rand.c Secret

Last active October 17, 2023 11:46
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/* See: */
/* See: */
double randf_3a() {
double d;
uint64_t u = rand_next();
uint64_t exp = __builtin_ctzll(u | (1 << 12)) - 1022ull;
u = (((u >> 11) + 1) >> 1) - (exp << 52);
memcpy(&d, &u, sizeof(d));
return d;
double randf_3b() {
double d;
uint64_t u = rand_next();
uint64_t exp = __builtin_ctzll(u) - 11ull;
if ((int64_t)exp >= 0) exp = __builtin_ctzll(rand_next());
u = (((u >> 11) + 1) >> 1) - ((exp - 1011ull) << 52);
memcpy(&d, &u, sizeof(d));
return d;
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