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Created July 17, 2019 20:56
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Interpolation Matplotlib, nonmoving panda3d, and moving panda3d
cube of concentric sinusoids: one shown in matplotlib, then in panda3d statically, then
in task manager in sequence when they turn dark.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from panda3d.core import Texture, CardMaker, TextureStage
from direct.task import Task
from direct.showbase import ShowBaseGlobal #global vars defined by p3d
def radial_sin(texture_size = 512, phase = 0, period = 8):
x = np.linspace(-8*np.pi, 8*np.pi, texture_size)
y = np.linspace(-8*np.pi, 8*np.pi, texture_size)
return np.round((2*np.pi/period)*np.sin(np.sqrt(x[None, :]**2 + y[:, None]**2)+phase)*127+127).astype(np.uint8)
num_slices = 95 #190 #190 makes it periodic
radial_cube = np.zeros(shape = (num_slices, 512, 512), dtype = np.uint8)
phase = 0
phase_change = 0.1
for slice_num in range(num_slices):
rad_slice_i = radial_sin(period = 8, phase = phase)
phase += phase_change
radial_cube[slice_num,:,:] = rad_slice_i
#%% plot a random slice from the cube: it looks pretty bright and awesome
cube_ind = 10
rad_sin_i = radial_cube[cube_ind, :, :]
plt.imshow(rad_sin_i, cmap = 'Greys')
plt.title(f"Matplotlib slice {cube_ind}")
class TexCube(ShowBase):
def __init__(self, texture_cube, window_size = 512, texture_size = 512):
self.num_slices = texture_cube.shape[0]
self.texture_cube = texture_cube
self.cube_ind = 0
#Create texture stage
self.texture = Texture("Stimulus")
self.texture.setup2dTexture(texture_size, texture_size,
Texture.T_unsigned_byte, Texture.F_luminance)
self.texture.setRamImageAs(self.texture_cube[0, :, :], "L")
self.textureStage = TextureStage("Stimulus")
#Create scenegraph
cm = CardMaker('card1')
self.card1 = self.aspect2d.attachNewNode(cm.generate())
self.card1.setTexture(self.textureStage, self.texture) #ts, tx
self.taskMgr.add(self.setTextureTask, "setTextureTask")
#Scale the texture
def setTextureTask(self, task):
if task.time > 0.5:
self.texture.setRamImageAs(self.texture_cube[self.cube_ind, :, :], "L")
self.textureStage = TextureStage("Stimulus")
self.card1.setTexture(self.textureStage, self.texture)
self.cube_ind += 1
if self.cube_ind == self.num_slices:
self.cube_ind = 0
return Task.cont
if __name__ == '__main__':
wave_cube = TexCube(radial_cube)
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