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Created February 10, 2020 00:54
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two textures superimposing rather than showing in series with 0/1 key press
import sys
import numpy as np
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from direct.showbase import ShowBaseGlobal #global vars defined by p3d
from panda3d.core import Texture, CardMaker, TextureStage, KeyboardButton
from panda3d.core import WindowProperties
from direct.task import Task
class SinGreyTex:
RGB sinusoidal grating stimulus class, used by ShowBase.
def __init__(self, texture_size = 512, texture_name = "sin_grey", spatial_frequency = 10):
self.frequency = spatial_frequency
self.texture_size = texture_size
self.texture_name = texture_name
# Create texture stage
self.texture_array = self.create_texture()
self.texture = Texture(self.texture_name)
self.texture.setup2dTexture(self.texture_size, self.texture_size,
self.texture.setRamImageAs(self.texture_array, "L")
self.texture_stage = TextureStage(self.texture_name)
def create_texture(self):
x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, self.texture_size + 1)
y = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, self.texture_size + 1)
array, Y = np.meshgrid(x[: self.texture_size],y[: self.texture_size])
sin_float = np.sin(self.frequency*array)
sin_transformed = (sin_float + 1)*127.5; #from 0-255
return np.uint8(sin_transformed)
class KeyboardToggleStim(ShowBase):
toggles between different stim: enter 0 for one, 1 for the other
def __init__(self, stim_classes, stim_params, window_size = 512):
self.stim_classes = stim_classes
self.current_stim_num = 0
self.stim_params = stim_params
self.window_size = window_size
self.bgcolor = (1, 1, 1, 1)
self.stimulus_initialized = False
#Set up key control mechanism
self.zero_button = KeyboardButton.ascii_key('0')
self.one_button = KeyboardButton.ascii_key('1')
#Window properties
self.window_props = WindowProperties()
self.window_props.setSize(self.window_size, self.window_size)
#Create scenegraph
cm = CardMaker('card')
self.card = self.aspect2d.attachNewNode(cm.generate())
self.card.setScale(np.sqrt(2)) #so it can handle arbitrary rotations
#Set initial texture
# Set up event handlers and tasks
self.accept('0', self.set_stimulus, ['0']) #event handler
self.accept('1', self.set_stimulus, ['1'])
self.taskMgr.add(self.move_texture_task, "move_texture") #task
def current_stim_params(self):
returns actual value of current stimulus
return self.stim_params[self.current_stim_num]
def set_stimulus(self, data):
# If first texture hasn't been shown, don't clear previous texture
if not self.stimulus_initialized:
self.self_initialized = True
self.card.clearTexture(self.stim.texture_stage) #turn off stage
self.window_props.setTitle(data) #base is a panda3d global
if data == '0':
self.current_stim_num = 0
elif data == '1':
self.current_stim_num = 1
self.stim = self.stim_classes[self.current_stim_num]
self.card.setTexture(self.stim.texture_stage, self.stim.texture)
self.card.setR(self.current_stim_params['angle']) #set angle
def move_texture_task(self, task):
if self.current_stim_params['velocity'] == 0:
new_position = -task.time*self.current_stim_params['velocity']
self.card.setTexPos(self.stim.texture_stage, new_position, 0, 0) #u, v, w
return task.cont
if __name__ == '__main__':
stim1 = SinGreyTex(spatial_frequency = 10)
stim2 = SinGreyTex(spatial_frequency = 5)
stim_classes = [stim1, stim2]
stim_params = [{'angle': 45, 'velocity': 0.1},
{'angle': -45, 'velocity': -0.1}]
toggle_show = KeyboardToggleStim(stim_classes, stim_params)
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