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Last active May 11, 2017 21:28
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A short list of useful books/libraries/newsletters for every android developer (EN/IT)

Here I collect all the useful material related to Android world, probably useful for newbies and people that have never developed on Android.

Feel free to suggest any other source to add in this list :)

Nic :D -


If you are new to Android development, my suggestion is to start with Udacity. You can find a lot of courses (also free ones) for beginnes. A good starting point is:

Android Development for Beginners - Udacity


General Android Books

Beginners Books



You can find a lot of good libraries online. A good reposity for library is Android Arsenal. If you are new, my suggestion is anyway to start from a blogpost, with a well known library and the related tutorial.

Here are some 'must-have' libraries for every Android dev.

Basic Libs

  • Square - A bunch of open source library for everyone!
    • Retrofit - Elegant HTTP library
    • Picasso - Image loading/processing library
    • LeakCanary - Leak detector :) You device memory will be happy.
  • EventBus - Publish/subscriber made simple for Android
  • ButterKnife - Simplify the View binding on Android with annotations
  • Espresso - Framework for UI testing on Android
  • Google Play Services - Unleash the power of all the Google Services
  • Android Support Library - Mandatory if you want to be back compatible with older version of Android.

Advanced Libs





(S)Fortunatamente la stragrande maggioranza del materiale per sviluppare su Android è in inglese. Vi segnalo qualche libro in Italiano che può tornare utile a chi avesse dei problemi con l'inglese.


Libri Avanzati

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