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Last active February 6, 2023 02:31
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// main
* A golang ssh server which supports vscode remote ssh plugin.
* ssh_config:
* Host upterm
* HostName
* Port 2224
* VSCode remote ssh plugin use this command to setup its server, and use dynamic port fowarding to connect to this server.
* ssh -T -D 1234 -p 2224 bash
package main
import (
func setWinsize(f *os.File, w, h int) {
syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_IOCTL, f.Fd(), uintptr(syscall.TIOCSWINSZ),
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ h, w, x, y uint16 }{uint16(h), uint16(w), 0, 0})))
func main() {
svr := ssh.Server{
Addr: ":2224",
LocalPortForwardingCallback: ssh.LocalPortForwardingCallback(func(ctx ssh.Context, dhost string, dport uint32) bool {
log.Println("Accepted forward", dhost, dport)
return true
Handler: ssh.Handler(func(s ssh.Session) {
ptyReq, winCh, isPty := s.Pty()
if isPty {
cmd := exec.Command("/bin/bash")
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("TERM=%s", ptyReq.Term))
f, err := pty.Start(cmd)
if err != nil {
go func() {
for win := range winCh {
setWinsize(f, win.Width, win.Height)
go func() {
io.Copy(f, s) // stdin
io.Copy(s, f) // stdout
} else {
cmds := s.Command()
if len(cmds) == 0 {
cmds = []string{"/bin/bash"}
cmd := exec.Command(cmds[0], cmds[1:]...)
cmd.Stdout = s
cmd.Stderr = s
cmd.Stdin = s
err := cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("could not start command (%s)", err)
_, err = cmd.Process.Wait()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to exit bash (%s)", err)
log.Printf("session closed")
ChannelHandlers: map[string]ssh.ChannelHandler{
"session": ssh.DefaultSessionHandler,
"direct-tcpip": ssh.DirectTCPIPHandler,
log.Println("starting ssh server on port 2224...")
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