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Created January 29, 2021 23:11
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
<script src="./node_modules/jscoq/ui-js/jscoq-loader.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
class Observer {
constructor() {
this.when_ready = new Promise(resolve => this._ready = resolve);
coqReady() { this._ready(); }
coqGoalInfo(sid, goals) {
var bar = `\n${"-".repeat(60)}\n`
console.log(bar, goals, bar);
var coq, pm, o = new Observer;
(async () => {
await JsCoq.load();
coq = new CoqWorker();
pm = new PackageManager(document.createElement('div'), /* need a div, sry */
{'node_modules/jscoq/coq-pkgs/': ['coq']}, {}, coq);
coq.options.debug = true;
coq.options.warn = false; // will silence warnings about unhandled messages
// Load packages
await coq.when_created;
await pm.populate();
await pm.loadDeps(['coq']);
// Initialize document
coq.init({}, {lib_init: [["Coq", "Init", "Prelude"]], lib_path: pm.getLoadPath()})
await o.when_ready;
// Pretty-printer to format messages and goals
o.pprint = new FormatPrettyPrint();
// Do some proofs
coq.add(1, 2, "Goal 3 = 3.");
await coq.execPromise(2);
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