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Last active March 15, 2019 15:40
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Override js_of_ocaml's Marshal functionality with 32-bit truncation
* This is a hack to circumvent a discrepancy arising when Coq is compiled
* as a 64-bit library and then passed through js_of_ocaml, resulting in
* 32-bit JavaScript code.
* As a whole, the Coq codebase makes little use of integer arithmetic and
* does not create huge arrays of more than 2^31-1 elements. An exception
* to this is hash values calculated for storing various Coq types in maps
* and hash tables and to speed up comparisons.
* Though the values themselves are meaningless, they are unfortunately
* stored in .vo files through use of the Marshal module, and lead to files
* that cannot be read back via 32-bit code.
* As 32-bit support is declining (e.g. the following issue relating to
* macOS builds of OCaml:,
* there may be no escape from building 64-bit Coq, both core and libraries.
* This requires a patch to jsoo's Marshal primitive that will not throw
* when encountering a 64-bit integer. The version below truncates such
* values. It may be extremely fragile, but so far, seems to work.
//Provides: caml_input_value_from_reader mutable
//Requires: caml_failwith
//Requires: caml_float_of_bytes, caml_int64_of_bytes
/*** !!! This overrides the implementation from js_of_ocaml !!! ***/
function caml_input_value_from_reader(reader, ofs) {
var _magic = reader.read32u ()
var _block_len = reader.read32u ();
var num_objects = reader.read32u ();
var _size_32 = reader.read32u ();
var _size_64 = reader.read32u ();
var stack = [];
var intern_obj_table = (num_objects > 0)?[]:null;
var obj_counter = 0;
function intern_rec () {
var code = reader.read8u ();
if (code >= 0x40 /*cst.PREFIX_SMALL_INT*/) {
if (code >= 0x80 /*cst.PREFIX_SMALL_BLOCK*/) {
var tag = code & 0xF;
var size = (code >> 4) & 0x7;
var v = [tag];
if (size == 0) return v;
if (intern_obj_table) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
stack.push(v, size);
return v;
} else
return (code & 0x3F);
} else {
if (code >= 0x20/*cst.PREFIX_SMALL_STRING */) {
var len = code & 0x1F;
var v = reader.readstr (len);
if (intern_obj_table) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
return v;
} else {
switch(code) {
case 0x00: //cst.CODE_INT8:
return reader.read8s ();
case 0x01: //cst.CODE_INT16:
return reader.read16s ();
case 0x02: //cst.CODE_INT32:
return reader.read32s ();
case 0x03: //cst.CODE_INT64:
reader.read32s (); return reader.read32s (); // <------------ HERE
//caml_failwith("input_value: integer too large"); // (ouch)
case 0x04: //cst.CODE_SHARED8:
var offset = reader.read8u ();
return intern_obj_table[obj_counter - offset];
case 0x05: //cst.CODE_SHARED16:
var offset = reader.read16u ();
return intern_obj_table[obj_counter - offset];
case 0x06: //cst.CODE_SHARED32:
var offset = reader.read32u ();
return intern_obj_table[obj_counter - offset];
case 0x08: //cst.CODE_BLOCK32:
var header = reader.read32u ();
var tag = header & 0xFF;
var size = header >> 10;
var v = [tag];
if (size == 0) return v;
if (intern_obj_table) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
stack.push(v, size);
return v;
case 0x13: //cst.CODE_BLOCK64:
caml_failwith ("input_value: data block too large");
case 0x09: //cst.CODE_STRING8:
var len = reader.read8u();
var v = reader.readstr (len);
if (intern_obj_table) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
return v;
case 0x0A: //cst.CODE_STRING32:
var len = reader.read32u();
var v = reader.readstr (len);
if (intern_obj_table) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
return v;
case 0x0C: //cst.CODE_DOUBLE_LITTLE:
var t = new Array(8);;
for (var i = 0;i < 8;i++) t[7 - i] = reader.read8u ();
var v = caml_float_of_bytes (t);
if (intern_obj_table) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
return v;
case 0x0B: //cst.CODE_DOUBLE_BIG:
var t = new Array(8);;
for (var i = 0;i < 8;i++) t[i] = reader.read8u ();
var v = caml_float_of_bytes (t);
if (intern_obj_table) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
return v;
var len = reader.read8u();
var v = new Array(len+1);
v[0] = 254;
var t = new Array(8);;
if (intern_obj_table) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
for (var i = 1;i <= len;i++) {
for (var j = 0;j < 8;j++) t[7 - j] = reader.read8u();
v[i] = caml_float_of_bytes (t);
return v;
case 0x0D: //cst.CODE_DOUBLE_ARRAY8_BIG:
var len = reader.read8u();
var v = new Array(len+1);
v[0] = 254;
var t = new Array(8);;
if (intern_obj_table) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
for (var i = 1;i <= len;i++) {
for (var j = 0;j < 8;j++) t[j] = reader.read8u();
v [i] = caml_float_of_bytes (t);
return v;
case 0x07: //cst.CODE_DOUBLE_ARRAY32_LITTLE:
var len = reader.read32u();
var v = new Array(len+1);
v[0] = 254;
if (intern_obj_table) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
var t = new Array(8);;
for (var i = 1;i <= len;i++) {
for (var j = 0;j < 8;j++) t[7 - j] = reader.read8u();
v[i] = caml_float_of_bytes (t);
return v;
case 0x0F: //cst.CODE_DOUBLE_ARRAY32_BIG:
var len = reader.read32u();
var v = new Array(len+1);
v[0] = 254;
var t = new Array(8);;
for (var i = 1;i <= len;i++) {
for (var j = 0;j < 8;j++) t[j] = reader.read8u();
v [i] = caml_float_of_bytes (t);
return v;
case 0x10: //cst.CODE_CODEPOINTER:
case 0x11: //cst.CODE_INFIXPOINTER:
caml_failwith ("input_value: code pointer");
case 0x12: //cst.CODE_CUSTOM:
var c, s = "";
while ((c = reader.read8u ()) != 0) s += String.fromCharCode (c);
switch(s) {
case "_j":
// Int64
var t = new Array(8);;
for (var j = 0;j < 8;j++) t[j] = reader.read8u();
var v = caml_int64_of_bytes (t);
if (intern_obj_table) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
return v;
case "_i":
// Int32
var v = reader.read32s ();
if (intern_obj_table) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
return v;
case "_n":
// Nativeint
switch (reader.read8u ()) {
case 1:
var v = reader.read32s ();
if (intern_obj_table) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
return v;
case 2:
caml_failwith("input_value: native integer value too large");
caml_failwith("input_value: ill-formed native integer");
caml_failwith("input_value: unknown custom block identifier");
caml_failwith ("input_value: ill-formed message");
var res = intern_rec ();
while (stack.length > 0) {
var size = stack.pop();
var v = stack.pop();
var d = v.length;
if (d < size) stack.push(v, size);
v[d] = intern_rec ();
if (typeof ofs!="number") ofs[0] = reader.i;
return res;
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