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Created July 16, 2021 13:21
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Utility fn for generating a visual representation of time-based models in ruby
# outputs something like the following:
# <-------------------------x------------------------->
# |-----------------|
# |----------------------------------|
# |--------------------|
# |------------------------------|
def create_ascii_timeline_for_time_based_models(list)
earliest_time = list.sort_by(&:begin).first.begin
latest_time = list.sort_by(&:end).last.end
hours_range_between_min_and_max = (latest_time - earliest_time) / (60 * 60)
minimum_desired_width = 49
maximum_desired_width = 193
# add 1 as padding for middle point of timeline
relative_desired_width = (hours_range_between_min_and_max.to_i * 2) + 1
desired_width = [[minimum_desired_width, relative_desired_width].max, maximum_desired_width].min
divisor = hours_range_between_min_and_max / desired_width
output = "# <"
# add 1 to account for the rounding down that happens with to_i
half_width = (desired_width / 2).to_i + 1
half_width.times { output << "-" }
output << "x"
half_width.times { output << "-" }
output << ">\n"
# the calculated length of the header minus the newline char, plus 4 spaces for padding
num_of_chars_to_end_of_range = (output.length - 1) + 6
list.each_with_index do |item, index|
append_value = "# "
len_in_hours = (item.end - item.begin) / (60 * 60)
distance_in_hours_from_min_start = (item.begin - earliest_time) / (60 * 60)
spaces_before_start = (distance_in_hours_from_min_start / divisor).to_i
spaces_before_start.times { append_value << " " }
append_value << "|"
(len_in_hours / divisor).to_i.times { append_value << "-" }
append_value << "|"
num_of_spaces = num_of_chars_to_end_of_range - append_value.length
num_of_spaces.times { append_value << " " }
id_text = || "item: #{index + 1}"
append_value << "<-- #{id_text}"
append_value << "\n"
output << append_value
puts output
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