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Created June 3, 2010 20:27
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scrub_html helper method
# removes disallowed opening and closing html tags from a passed string
def scrub_html(string)
disallowed_tags = %w[p ul li ol blockquote cite pre code dl dt dd table tr th frameset from input select option address h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6]
disallowed_tags.each do |tag|
opening_tag = /<\s*#{tag}[^>]*>{1}/i
closing_tag = /<\/\s*#{tag}\s*>/i
hr_tag = /<\s*hr\s*\/*>/i
string.gsub!(opening_tag, '')
string.gsub!(closing_tag, '')
string.gsub!(hr_tag, '')
# rspec test
it "should remove all disallowed opening and closing html tags" do
text = "< p >I < p>am <blockquote style='bold'>a </ p>test <ADDRESS STYLE='font-weight:bold'>string with <frameset>loads of </select>totally messed<hr>< hr >< HR><hr /><hr > up</p><h1> HTML. Please <cite style='bold'>help </H1>me.</p>"
scrub_html(text).should == "I am a test string with loads of totally messed up HTML. Please help me."
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