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Created February 24, 2023 11:41
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Process Fwave recorded by Neuropack
#%% function
load_raw <- function(fname_raw){
samp_time <- 0.05 # ms
line_ini <-0;line_end <-0
linesRaw <- readLines(fname_raw)
for (ii in seq(1, length(linesRaw))){
if (length(grep(pattern='"1-1"', linesRaw[ii]))>0){
line_ini <- ii
if (length(grep(pattern="Wave End", linesRaw[ii]))>0){
line_end <- ii
raw_csv <- read.table(fname_raw, sep=',', header=F, skip=line_ini, nrows=line_end-line_ini-1)
len_data <- dim(raw_csv)[1]
n_trial <- dim(raw_csv)[2]
times <- seq(0, length=len_data, by=samp_time)
raw_data <- raw_csv[,2:n_trial]
out <- list()
out$times <- times
out$raw <- matrix(as.matrix(raw_data), nrow(raw_data), ncol(raw_data))
return (out)
get_nls_baseline <- function(epochs_norm, t_f_norm){
windows();par(las=1, bty='l')
matplot(t_f_norm, epochs_norm, type='l', lty=1,
main='click to set f wave segment\n :remove to calculate baseline by nls')
t_lim_del <- c()
for (ii in c(1,2)){
loc <- locator(1)
t_lim_del <- c(t_lim_del, loc$x)
epochs_norm_seg <- rbind(epochs_norm[(t_f_norm<=min(t_lim_del)),],
t_f_norm_seg <- c(t_f_norm[(t_f_norm<=min(t_lim_del))], t_f_norm[t_f_norm>=max(t_lim_del)])
list_rss_nls <- c()
list_rss_poly <- c()
list_rss_decay <- c()
x <- t_f_norm_seg
len_data <- dim(epochs_norm)[2]
rss <- function(y,mdl){sum((y-fitted(mdl))^2)}
mdl_nls <- function(x,y){nls(y~a - a/exp(b*x), start=c(a=max(y), b=max(x)/max(y)))}
mdl_nls_decay <- function(x,y){nls(y~c/exp(a*x)*cos(b*x) + d, start=c(a=max(x)/max(y), b=pi/max(x), c=-tail(y,1), d=tail(y,1)))}
mdl_poly <- function(x,y){lm(y~x+I(x^2)-1)}
# try_get_rss <- function(x, y, mdl, mdl_name){
# rss <- function(y,mdl){sum((y-fitted(mdl))^2)}
# rss_try <- try(rss(y, mdl(x,y), silent=T))
# if (class(rss_try)=="try-error"){
# rss_try <- Inf
# print(paste("error in ", mdl_name, sep=''))
# }
# return(rss_try)
# }
for (ii in seq(1, len_data)){
y <- epochs_norm_seg[, ii];
# nls
rss_nls <- try(rss(y, mdl_nls(x,y)), silent=T)
if (class(rss_nls)=="try-error"){
rss_nls <- Inf
print("error in mdl_nls")
# rss_nls <- try_get_rss(x, y, mdl_nls, "mdl_nls")
list_rss_nls <- c(list_rss_nls, rss_nls)
# nls: decay curve
rss_decay <- try(rss(y, mdl_nls_decay(x,y)), silent=T)
if (class(rss_decay)=="try-error"){
rss_decay <- Inf
print("error in mdl_nls_decay")
# rss_decay <- try_get_rss(x, y, mdl_nls_decay, "mdl_nls_decay")
list_rss_decay <- c(list_rss_decay, rss_decay)
# polynomial2
rss_poly <- try(rss(y, mdl_poly(x,y)), silent=T)
if (class(rss_poly)=="try-error"){
rss_poly <- Inf
print("error in mdl_poly")
# rss_poly <- try_get_rss(x, y, mdl_poly, "mdl_poly")
list_rss_poly <- c(list_rss_poly, rss_poly)
min_idx <- function(x){which(x==min(x))}
list_rsss <- list(list_rss_nls, list_rss_decay, list_rss_poly)
mdls <- c(mdl_nls, mdl_nls_decay, mdl_poly)
min_rsss <- c(min(list_rss_nls), min(list_rss_decay), min(list_rss_poly))
list_rss <- list_rsss[min_rsss == min(min_rsss)]
mdl_min_rss <- mdls[min_rsss == min(min_rsss)][[1]]
idx_min_rss <- min_idx(list_rss[[1]])
y <- epochs_norm_seg[, idx_min_rss]
x <- t_f_norm_seg
mdl <- mdl_min_rss(x,y)
y_predict <- predict(mdl, list(x=t_f_norm))
ttl <- paste("click somewhere when ok: fitted-index",idx_min_rss)
lines(t_f_norm, y_predict, col=2, lwd=2)
loc_end <- locator(1)
if (length(loc_end)>0){
} else {
nonlinear_fit_fwave <- function(epochs_fwave, times_fwave){
# len_data <- dim(raw_data)[2]
#t1 <- 18;t2 <- 50
t_f_norm <- times_fwave - times_fwave[1]
len_epoch <- dim(epochs_fwave)[1]
epochs_norm <- epochs_fwave - matrix(rep(1, len_epoch), nrow=len_epoch)%*%epochs_fwave[1,]
continue <- T
while (continue){
y_predict <- get_nls_baseline(epochs_norm, t_f_norm)
if (length(y_predict)>1){continue<-F} else {}
detrend_and_measure_famp <- function(raw_data, times, tlim_f){
# run after plot_m_f
# params:
# tlim_f: time range for fwave segment-min, max
epochs_fwave <- raw_data[(times >= min(tlim_f)) & (times <= max(tlim_f)), ]
times_fwave <- times[(times >= min(tlim_f)) & (times <= max(tlim_f))]
trend_nl_line <- nonlinear_fit_fwave(epochs_fwave, times_fwave)
epochs_fwave_nls_detrend <- epochs_fwave -
matrix(trend_nl_line, nrow=length(trend_nl_line))%*%matrix(rep(1,ncol(epochs_fwave)),nrow=1)
# add lines to f wave
lines(times_fwave, trend_nl_line + mean(epochs_fwave[1,]), col=2)
# plot detrended fwave
par(bty='l',las=1, mfrow=c(2,1))
matplot(times_fwave, epochs_fwave_nls_detrend, type='l', lty=1, lwd=1,
xlab='time (ms)', ylab='amplitude (μV)', main='F wave detrended by nls')
# locator
xlims <- c()
for (ii in c(1:2)){
loc <- locator(1)
xlims <- c(xlims, loc$x)
fwaves_seg <- epochs_fwave_nls_detrend[(times_fwave >= min(xlims)) & (times_fwave<=max(xlims)),]
times_seg <- times_fwave[(times_fwave >= min(xlims)) & (times_fwave<=max(xlims))]
fwaves_seg_detrend <- apply(fwaves_seg, 2, function(y){y-seq(y[1], tail(y,1), length=length(y))})
famps <- apply(fwaves_seg_detrend, 2, function(y){max(y)-min(y)})
matplot(times_seg, fwaves_seg_detrend, type='l', lty=1,
xlab='time (ms)', ylab='amplitude (μV)', main='F wave - linear detrended')
plot_m_f <- function(raw_data, times, tlim_f, ttl){
# info
xlim <- c(0, 60) # ms
tmin_m <- 3 # ms
step_y_f <- 200 # microV
step_y_m <- 500 # microV
# determine ylim for m wave
raw_data_seg_m <- raw_data[(times>tmin_m),]
min_seg_m <- floor(min(raw_data_seg_m/step_y_m))*step_y_m
max_seg_m <- ceiling(max(raw_data_seg_m/step_y_m))*step_y_m
ylim_m <- c(min_seg_m, max_seg_m)
# determine ylim for fwave
raw_data_seg_f <- raw_data[(times > min(tlim_f)) & (times< max(tlim_f)),]
min_seg_f <- floor(min(raw_data_seg_f)/step_y_f)*step_y_f
max_seg_f <- ceiling(max(raw_data_seg_f)/step_y_f)*step_y_f
ylim_f <- c(min_seg_f, max_seg_f)
matplot(times, raw_data, lty=1, lwd=2, ylab='amplitude (μV)', xlab='time (ms)',
col=1, type='l', xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim_m, main='M wave')
matplot(times, raw_data, lty=1, lwd=2, ylab='amplitude (μV)', xlab='time (ms)',
col=1, type='l',ylim=ylim_f, xlim=xlim, main='F wave')
mtext(text=ttl, outer=T)
# abline
t_seg <- c(0,0)
for (ii in c(1,2)){
loc <- locator(1)
abline(v=loc$x, col = "blue")
out <- list()
out$t_seg <- t_seg
#%% main
# load raw
path_rawcsv <- file.choose()
dir_raw <- dirname(path_rawcsv)
raw_med_rest <- load_raw(path_rawcsv)
#%% plot
# info
tlim_f <- c(18,60) # ms to determine fwave plot ylim
# plot
times <- raw_med_rest$times
raw_data <- raw_med_rest$raw
# if title is required use below:
# print("Title?");stdin_title <- readLines(stdin(), n=1)
stdin_title="M wave and F wave"
latencies <- plot_m_f(raw_data, times, tlim_f, ttl=stdin_title)
# detrend and measure fwave amps
tlim_f <- latencies$t_seg
famps <- detrend_and_measure_famp(raw_data, times, tlim_f)
# save plot CMAP+F wave
dir_desktop <- file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop")
# dir_fig <- paste(dir_desktop, 'botox_fwave','pdf',sep='/')
dir_fig <- paste(dir_raw,'pdf',sep='/')
fname_cond = strsplit(basename(path_rawcsv),'_')[[1]]
fname_cond_header = paste(fname_cond[1], fname_cond[2],sep="_")
fname_fig_m_f <- paste("fig_m_f_", fname_cond_header, format(Sys.time(), "_%y%m%d%H%M%S"), ".pdf", sep="")
path_fig_m_f <- paste(dir_fig, fname_fig_m_f, sep='/')
len_dev <- length(dev.list())
dev.print(device=pdf, file=path_fig_m_f, width=12, height=8)
# save detrended F wave
fname_detrend <- paste("fig_fwave_detrend_",fname_cond_header, format(Sys.time(), "_%y%m%d%H%M%S"), ".pdf", sep="")
path_fig_fdetrend <- paste(dir_fig, fname_detrend, sep='/')
dev.print(device=pdf, file=path_fig_fdetrend, width=8, height=10)
fname_csv_save=paste('fwave_amps_', fname_cond_header, format(Sys.time(), "_%y%m%d%H%M%S"),'.csv',sep='')
path_csv_save = paste(dir_fig, fname_csv_save,sep='/')
write.table(famps, file=path_csv_save, sep=',',row.names=F, col.names=F)
#%% stats
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cosacog commented Feb 24, 2023


  • 非線形ぽい基線を補正する処理を組み込みました
  • 時間を区切ってその間の基線を補正してF波の振幅を測定します
  • 処理する際の波形などpdfにして出力


  • csvと同じディレクトリに"pdf"というフォルダがあるのを前提にそこへF波振幅のcsvやpdfを保存します。"pdf"のフォルダがないとエラーで止まります。
  • 基線の補正は時々きれいにおさまりません。3種類(2次関数、指数関数、指数関数のdecay曲線)で補正してroot sum squareが最小になる方法で補正をするような段取りにしています。

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