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Created April 2, 2023 20:38
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/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
import { useMutation, UseMutationResult, useQuery, UseQueryOptions, UseQueryResult } from '@tanstack/react-query';
type BaseFn = (...args: any[]) => unknown;
type FirstParameter<TFn extends BaseFn> = Parameters<TFn>[0] extends undefined ? void : Parameters<TFn>[0];
type Procedure<TFn = BaseFn> = {
* @deprecated - internal use only
_def: TFn;
type QueryProcedure<
TParams extends Record<string, unknown> | void = void,
TData = unknown,
TError = Error,
TFn = BaseFn,
> = Procedure<TFn> & {
useQuery: (
input: TParams,
options?: Omit<UseQueryOptions<TData, TError, TData>, 'queryKey' | 'queryFn'>,
) => UseQueryResult<TData, TError>;
invalidateQueries: (input: TParams) => void;
getQueryKey: (input: TParams) => any[];
* @deprecated - internal use only
_key?: string;
* @deprecated - internal use only
_parent?: any;
type MutationProcedure<
TParams extends Record<string, unknown> | void = void,
TData = unknown,
TError = Error,
TFn = BaseFn,
> = Procedure<TFn> & {
useMutation: (
options?: Omit<UseQueryOptions<TData, TError, TData>, 'queryKey' | 'queryFn'>,
) => UseMutationResult<TData, unknown, TParams, unknown>;
type MakeProcedure<
TType extends 'query' | 'mutation',
TParams extends Record<string, unknown> | void = void,
TData = unknown,
TFn extends BaseFn = BaseFn,
> = TType extends 'query' ? QueryProcedure<TParams, TData, Error, TFn> : MutationProcedure<TParams, TData, Error, TFn>;
type MakeQueryProcedure<TFn extends BaseFn> = MakeProcedure<
type MakeMutationProcedure<TFn extends BaseFn> = MakeProcedure<
export const procedure = {
query<TFn extends BaseFn>(fn: TFn): MakeQueryProcedure<TFn> {
return {
useQuery(input: FirstParameter<TFn>, options: any) {
const keys = this.getQueryKey(input);
return useQuery(keys, () => fn(input), options);
invalidateQueries(input: unknown) {
console.log('invalidateQueries', input);
getQueryKey(input: unknown) {
return [input];
_def: fn,
} as any;
mutation<TFn extends BaseFn>(fn: TFn): MakeMutationProcedure<TFn> {
return {
useMutation(options: any) {
const rawFn = fn as any;
return useMutation((variables) => rawFn(variables), options);
_def: fn,
} as any;
type Config<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K];
type Router = {
getQueryKey: () => any[];
createCaller: () => any;
_parent?: any;
type RouteCallers<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Procedure<any> ? T[K]['_def'] : RouteCallers<T[K]>;
export const createRouter = <T>(
config: Config<T>,
): T & {
createCaller(): RouteCallers<T>;
} => {
const keys = Object.keys(config);
keys.forEach((key) => {
const proc = config[key as keyof T] as Router | QueryProcedure | MutationProcedure;
if ('useQuery' in proc) {
// query procedure
proc.getQueryKey = function getQueryKey(input: unknown) {
if (proc._parent && proc._parent.getQueryKey) {
const parentKey = proc._parent.getQueryKey();
return [...parentKey, key, input];
return [key, input];
proc._parent = config;
} else if ('useMutation' in proc) {
// mutation procedure
} else if (typeof proc === 'object' && proc !== null) {
// router
const router = proc;
router.getQueryKey = function getQueryKey() {
// router of router
if (router._parent && router._parent.getQueryKey) {
const parentKey = router._parent.getQueryKey();
return [...parentKey, key];
return [key];
router._parent = config;
return {
createCaller: function createCaller() {
const routerKeys = Object.keys(config);
return routerKeys.reduce((acc, routerKey) => {
const routerOrProcedure: any = config[routerKey as keyof typeof config];
if ('_def' in routerOrProcedure) {
acc[routerKey] = routerOrProcedure._def;
} else {
acc[routerKey] = routerOrProcedure.createCaller();
return acc;
}, {} as Record<string, any>) as T;
} as any,
// define
const articles = createRouter({
getAll: procedure.query(() => {
console.log('> getAll');
return Promise.resolve('1');
getById: procedure.query((id: number) => {
console.log('> getById', id);
return Promise.resolve(id.toString());
update: procedure.mutation((variables: { name: string }) => {
console.log('> update', variables);
return Promise.resolve(true);
const api = createRouter({
// usage
const { data } = api.articles.getAll.useQuery(undefined, {
onSuccess: (result) => {
console.log('result', result);
// for testing
const caller = api.createCaller();
caller.articles.update({ name: '2321' });
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