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Created September 22, 2014 14:45
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=head1 NAME
rtail - tail multiple files remotely
./rtail --host h1 --host h2 --command 'tail -f /var/log/syslog'
./rtail --user someuser --host h1 --host h2 --command 'uname -a'
./rtail -u someuser -h h1 -h h2 -c 'uname -a'
Runs any command (by default tails the current access log) on multiple
hosts and reports back the output of all of them mixed together.
Apply the usual grep, awk, etc... to slice and dice at will.
Options can be shortened: --user works as well as -u, --host as -h and
--command as -c.
$| = 1;
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Select ();
use IPC::Open3 ();
use Symbol ();
use Getopt::Long ();
'user:s' => \(my $user = $ENV{USER}),
'host:s' => \my @hosts,
'command:s' => \(my $command = 'ta -n 50'),
my @pid;
my @ready;
my @commands = map { "ssh -l '${user}' '$_' ${command}" } @hosts;
my $io = IO::Select->new();
$io->add($_) for open_fh(@commands);
while (any_alive(@pid) and @ready = $io->can_read) {
for my $read_fh (@ready) {
my $c = "";
my $line = readline $read_fh;
print $line if defined $line;
# If at least one of them is alive, stay alive
sub any_alive {
my @pid = @_;
my $alive = 0;
for (@pid) {
if (kill 0, $_) { $alive++ }
return $alive > 0;
sub open_fh {
my @commands = @_;
my @fh;
for my $cmd (@commands) {
my $rd_fh = Symbol::gensym();
my $wr_fh = Symbol::gensym();
my $err_fh = Symbol::gensym();
my $pid = IPC::Open3::open3($wr_fh, $rd_fh, $rd_fh, $cmd)
or die "Can't run command '$cmd': $!";
push @fh, $rd_fh;
warn "Opened filehandle $pid := $rd_fh ($cmd)\n";
push @pid, $pid;
#waitpid($pid, 0);
return @fh;
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