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Created June 13, 2022 18:25
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  • Save cosine83/e83c44878a6bdeac0c7c59e3dbfd1f71 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#Logging and file transfer directories
$dirPath = "C:\Scripts\Install-UniversalFonts"
$tempPath = "C:\temp"
$fontsPath = "C:\temp\Fonts"
#Check if logging directory is present
$dirPathCheck = Test-Path -Path $DirPath
$tempPathCheck = Test-Path -Path $tempPath
$fontsPathCheck = Test-Path -Path $fontsPath
#Create logging directory if it doesn't exist
If (!($DirPathCheck)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory $DirPath -Force
If (!($tempPathCheck)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory $tempPath -Force
If (!($fontsPathCheck)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory $fontsPath -Force
#Don't forget to declare your variables
function Get-ComputerADSite {
[string]$ComputerName = "$env:ComputerName"
($site= nltest /server:$computername /dsgetsite) 2>&1> $null
if ($lastexitcode -eq 0) {
$compAdSite = Get-ComputerADSite
Switch ($compAdSite) {
"Site A" { Copy-Item -Path "\\serverName\sourcefolder\" -Destination "$($tempPath)" -Recurse }
"Site B" {Copy-Item -Path "\\serverName\sourcefolder\" -Destination "$($tempPath)" -Recurse }
"Site C" { Copy-Item -Path "\\serverName\sourcefolder\" -Destination "$($tempPath)" -Recurse }
"Site B" { Copy-Item -Path "\\serverName\sourcefolder\" -Destination "$($tempPath)" -Recurse }
Expand-Archive -Path "$($tempPath)\" -Destination $($fontsPath) -Force
$systemFontsPath = "C:\Windows\Fonts"
$getFonts = Get-ChildItem $fontsPath -Include '*.ttf','*.ttc','*.otf' -recurse
foreach($fontFile in $getFonts) {
$targetPath = Join-Path $systemFontsPath $fontFile.Name
if(Test-Path -Path $targetPath){
$FontFile.Name + " already installed"
else {
"Installing font " + $fontFile.Name
#Extract Font information for Reqistry
$ShellFolder = (New-Object -COMObject Shell.Application).Namespace($fontsPath)
$ShellFile = $shellFolder.ParseName($
$ShellFileType = $shellFolder.GetDetailsOf($shellFile, 2)
#Set the $FontType Variable
If ($ShellFileType -Like '*TrueType font file*') {$FontType = '(TrueType)'}
#Update Registry and copy font to font directory
$RegName = $shellFolder.GetDetailsOf($shellFile, 21) + ' ' + $FontType
New-ItemProperty -Name $RegName -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" -PropertyType string -Value $ -Force | out-null
Copy-item $fontFile.FullName -Destination $systemFontsPath
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dani5612 commented Sep 1, 2023

Pretty Cool!

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