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Last active August 10, 2018 03:14
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Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$enterpriseFeatureUsageFile = "C:\Reports\EnterpriseFeatureUsage.csv"
$enterpriseReportFile = "C:\Reports\EnterpriseReport.csv"
$enterpriseFeatureUsageArray = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList($null)
$enterpriseReportArray = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList($null)
function Get-PowerPivotLibs ($ssurl)
$powerPivotFeatures = @("1a33a234-b4a4-4fc6-96c2-8bdb56388bd5", "e9c4784b-d453-46f5-8559-3c891d7159dd", "f8c51e81-0b46-4535-a3d5-244f63e1cab9")
$web = Get-SPWeb $ssurl
$libs = $web |
Select -ExpandProperty Lists |
Where { $_.GetType().Name -eq "SPDocumentLibrary" -and -not $_.hidden }
foreach($lib in $libs)
if(($powerPivotFeatures -contains $lib.TemplateFeatureId))
$entry = new-object psobject -Property @{
Url = ("{0}{1}" -f $ssurl.trim('/'), $list.DefaultViewUrl)
Feature = "PowerPivot Library"
$tmp = $enterpriseFeatureUsageArray.Add($entry)
function Get-DataConnectionLibs($ssurl)
$dataConnFeatures = @("00bfea71-dbd7-4f72-b8cb-da7ac0440130")
$web = Get-SPWeb $ssurl
$libs = $web |
Select -ExpandProperty Lists |
Where { $_.GetType().Name -eq "SPDocumentLibrary" -and -not $_.hidden }
foreach($lib in $libs)
if(($dataConnFeatures -contains $lib.TemplateFeatureId))
$entry = new-object psobject -Property @{
Url = ("{0}{1}" -f $ssurl.trim('/'), $lib.DefaultViewUrl)
Feature = "DataConnection Library"
$tmp = $enterpriseFeatureUsageArray.Add($entry)
function Get-WebPartUsage($ssurl, $webpartType, $friendlyName){
$web = Get-SPWeb $ssurl
$lists = $web |
Select -ExpandProperty Lists
Where { -ne $_.hidden }
$pWeb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($web)
$pages = $pWeb.PagesList
foreach ($item in $pages.Items) {
$manager = $item.file.GetLimitedWebPartManager([System.Web.UI.WebControls.Webparts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared);
$wps = $manager.webparts
foreach($wp in $wps)
if($wp.GetType().Name -eq $webpartType){
$url = $web.Url +"/"+ $item.Url
$entry = new-object psobject -Property @{
Url = $url
Feature = $friendlyName
$tmp = $enterpriseFeatureUsageArray.Add($entry)
$fileUrl = $web.Url +"/"+ $item.Url
Write-Host ("Error in Get-WebPartUsage for PublishingWeb {0}, {1}" -f $fileUrl, $webpartType) -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host $_.Exception.StackTrace -ForegroundColor Red
} else {
foreach($list in $lists)
if($list.BaseTemplate -eq "WebPageLibrary")
foreach ($item in $list.Items) {
$manager = $item.file.GetLimitedWebPartManager([System.Web.UI.WebControls.Webparts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared);
$wps = $manager.webparts
foreach($wp in $wps)
if($wp.GetType().Name -eq $webpartType){
$url = $web.Url +"/"+ $item.Url
$entry = new-object psobject -Property @{
Url = $url
Feature = $friendlyName
$tmp = $enterpriseFeatureUsageArray.Add($entry)
$fileUrl = $web.Url +"/"+ $item.Url
Write-Host ("Error in Get-WebPartUsage for PublishingWeb {0}, {1}" -f $fileUrl, $webpartType) -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host $_.Exception.StackTrace -ForegroundColor Red
function Get-EnterpriseWebPartsUsage($ssurl){
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "BusinessDataActionsWebPart" "Business Data Actions WebPart"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "BusinessDataFilterWebPart" "Business Data Filter WebPart"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "BusinessDataDetailsWebPart" "Business Data Details WebPart"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "BusinessDataItemBuilder" "Business Data Item Builder WebPart"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "BusinessDataListWebPart" "Business Data List WebPart"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "BusinessDataAssociationWebPart" "Business Data Association WebPart"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "ChartWebPart" "Chart WebPart"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "ExcelWebRenderer" "Excel Web Access WebPart"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "IndicatorWebpart" "Indicator Details WebPart"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "KPIListWebPart" "Status List WebPart"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "VisioWebAccess" "Visio WebPart"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "WhatsPopularWebPart" "Web Analytics Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "ApplyFiltersWebPart" "Apply Filters Button Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "SPSlicerChoicesWebPart" "Choice Filter Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "UserContextFilterWebPart" "Current User Filter Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "DateFilterWebPart" "Date Filter Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "PageContextFilterWebPart" "Page Field Filter Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "QueryStringFilterWebPart" "Query String (URL) Filter Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "SpListFilterWebPart" "SharePoint List Filter Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "ScorecardFilterWebPart" "SQL Server Analysis Services Filter Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "SPSlicerTextWebPart" "Text Filter Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "OWACalendarPart" "My Calendar Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "OWAContactsPart" "My Contacts Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "OWAInboxPart" "My Inbox Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "OWAPart" "My Mail Folder Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "OWATasksPart" "My Mail Folder Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "ReportViewerWebPart" "SQL Server Reporting Services Report Viewer Web Part"
Get-WebPartUsage $ssurl "BrowserFormWebPart" "InfoPath Form Web Part"
function Get-ContentOrganizerRules($ssurl)
$web = Get-SPWeb $ssurl
$lists = $web |
Select -ExpandProperty Lists |
Where { $_.GetType().Name -eq "SPList" -and $_.hidden }
foreach($list in $lists)
foreach($contenType in $list.ContentTypes){
if($null -ne $contenType){
if($contenType.Id.ToString() -eq "0x0100DC2417D125A4489CA59DCC70E3F152B2000C65439F6CABB14AB9C55083A32BCE9C" -and $contenType.Name -eq "Rule")
$entry = new-object psobject -Property @{
Url = ("{0}{1}" -f $ssurl.trim('/'), $list.DefaultViewUrl)
Feature = "ContentOrganizerRules"
$tmp = $enterpriseFeatureUsageArray.Add($entry)
function Get-InfoPathLists($ssurl)
$web = Get-SPWeb $ssurl
$listsAndLibs = $web |
Select -ExpandProperty Lists |
Where { ($_.GetType().Name -eq "SPList" -or $_.GetType().Name -eq "SPDocumentLibrary") -and -not $_.hidden }
foreach($list in $listsAndLibs)
if( $list.BaseTemplate -eq "XMLForm" )
$entry = new-object psobject -Property @{
Url = ("{0}{1}" -f $ssurl.trim('/'), $list.DefaultViewUrl)
Feature = "InfoPath Library"
$tmp = $enterpriseFeatureUsageArray.Add($entry)
{"GenericList" -or "Survey"}
if($null -ne $list.Forms){
foreach($form in $list.Forms){
$entry = new-object psobject -Property @{
Url = ("{0}{1}" -f $ssurl.trim('/'), $list.DefaultViewUrl)
Feature = "InfoPath Library"
$tmp = $enterpriseFeatureUsageArray.Add($entry)
default {
Function Evaluate-Site ($site)
$premiumfeature = $null
$EnterpriseSiteCollection = "no"
if($site.ReadLocked -eq $false)
$premiumfeature = Get-SPFeature "PremiumSite" -Site $site.Url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -ne $premiumfeature)
$EnterpriseSiteCollection = "yes"
$EnterpriseWeb = "no"
foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs)
$premiumfeature = $null
$premiumfeature = Get-SPFeature "PremiumWeb" -Web $web.Url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -ne $premiumfeature)
$EnterpriseWeb = "yes"
$entry = new-object psobject -Property @{
SiteUrl = $site.Url
SiteCollection = $EnterpriseSiteCollection
WebUrl = $web.Url
EnterpriseWeb = $EnterpriseWeb
$tmp = $enterpriseReportArray.Add($entry)
function Get-EnterpriseReport($webApp)
$sites = Get-SpSite -Limit All -WebApplication $webApp
[int]$i = 0
[int]$c = $sites.Count
foreach ($spsite in $sites)
[int]$p = 100
if($c -gt 0){
$p = ($i/$c)*100
Write-Progress -Activity "Current SiteCollection" -CurrentOperation $spsite.Url -PercentComplete $p -Status "$i of $c"
Evaluate-Site ($spsite)
$enterpriseFeatureUsageArray | Export-Csv $enterpriseFeatureUsageFile -NoTypeInformation -Force
$enterpriseReportArray | Export-Csv $enterpriseReportFile -NoTypeInformation -Force
Get-SPWebApplication | select Url | Get-EnterpriseReport
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