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Created March 17, 2018 08:04
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Anvil : MonoBehaviour {
public float forceMax; //maximum force applied to the anvil, furthest you can throw
public float forceMin; //absolute minimum force applied
public float movementQueueLength = 10;
public GameManager gameManager;
public float timeOut = 5; // Number of seconds to wait until we aassume the anvil is lost
private Rigidbody rigidBody;
private Vector3 start = new Vector3();
private Vector3 end = new Vector3();
private Vector3 direction = new Vector3(); //the normalised direction the player has flung the anvil
private float force; // the strength with which the player has flung the anvil
private bool drag;
private Queue<Vector3> movement = new Queue<Vector3>();
private float cameraDistanceFromGame = 8f;
private bool landed = false;
private bool launched = false;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
drag = false;
rigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (drag)
if (movement.Count >= movementQueueLength)
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
//Debug.Log("Anvil.OnCollisionEnter: " + landed);
if (!landed) // Check that this is the first collision made
if (collision.gameObject.GetComponent<Target>() != null)
landed = true;
else if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Ground")
landed = true;
private void OnMouseDown()
if (launched) { return; }
start = getPos(Input.mousePosition);
Debug.Log("Anvil.OnMouseUp: " + start);
drag = true;
private void OnMouseUp()
if (drag)
end = getPos(Input.mousePosition);
Debug.Log("Anvil.OnMouseUp: " + end);
drag = false;
void Launch()
// calculations
if (movement.Count < 2)
Debug.Log("Anvil.Launch: Not enough values in movement queue");
int i = movement.Count - 2;
Debug.Log("Anvil.Launch: Removing " + i + " results from queue");
for(; i > 0; i--) //Remove all but the last two results
Vector3 temp = movement.Dequeue();
direction = (movement.Dequeue() - temp).normalized;
Debug.Log("Anvil.Launch: Direction: " + direction);
force = (end - start).magnitude;
Debug.Log("Anvil.Launch: Force: " + force);
//apply force to the anvil here
rigidBody.AddForce(direction * force * 100);
launched = true;
landed = false;
Vector3 getPos(Vector3 mousePos)
return Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, cameraDistanceFromGame));
IEnumerable LostAnvilCollection()
Debug.Log("Anvil.LostAnvilCollection: Starting Routine");
yield return null;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
Debug.Log("Anvil.LostAnvilCollection: Resetting anvil");
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