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Created July 11, 2018 11:38
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A tensor of zeros (Julia)
"A tensor of zeros"
struct ZeroTensor{T <: Number, N} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
function ZeroTensor{T,N}(dims::Vararg{Integer,N}) where {T <: Number, N}
all(dims .≥ 0) || error("invalid ZeroTensor dimensions")
ZeroTensor(T::DataType, dims::Vararg{Integer,N}) where N = ZeroTensor{T,N}(dims...)
ZeroTensor(dims::Vararg{Integer,N}) where {N} = ZeroTensor{Float64,N}(dims...)
Base.size(a::ZeroTensor) = a.dims
function Base.getindex(a::ZeroTensor{T,N}, i::Vararg{Integer,N}) where {T,N}
all(1 .≤ i .≤ a.dims) || throw(BoundsError(a, i))
return zero(T)
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