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Last active June 4, 2021 20:25
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Tailwind CSS background-image gradients plugin
const _ = require('lodash');
module.exports = ({e, addUtilities, config}) => {
const gradients = config('gradients', [])
const variants = config('modules.gradients')
const gradientUtilities =, (colors, name) => {
if (!_.isArray(colors)) {
colors = ['transparent', colors];
return {
[`.${e(`bg-gradient-to-top-${name}`)}`]: { backgroundImage: `linear-gradient(to top, ${colors.join(', ')})` },
[`.${e(`bg-gradient-to-right-${name}`)}`]: { backgroundImage: `linear-gradient(to right, ${colors.join(', ')})` },
[`.${e(`bg-gradient-to-bottom-${name}`)}`]: { backgroundImage: `linear-gradient(to bottom, ${colors.join(', ')})` },
[`.${e(`bg-gradient-to-left-${name}`)}`]: { backgroundImage: `linear-gradient(to left, ${colors.join(', ')})` },
if (variants) {
addUtilities(gradientUtilities, {
variants: variants,
Based on
For Gist's sake, most of this file has been truncated.
let gradients = {
'grey-dark': ['#b8c2cc', '#8795a1'],
'red-dark': ['#e3342f', '#cc1f1a'],
'orange-dark': ['#f6993f', '#de751f'],
'yellow-dark': ['#ffed4a', '#f2d024'],
'green-dark': ['#38c172', '#1f9d55'],
'teal-dark': ['#4dc0b5', '#38a89d'],
'blue-dark': ['#3490dc', '#2779bd'],
'indigo-dark': ['#6574cd', '#5661b3'],
'purple-dark': ['#9561e2', '#794acf'],
'pink-dark': ['#f66d9b', '#eb5286'],
module.exports = {
colors: colors,
// define gradient utilities
gradients: gradients,
// etc. etc.
modules: {
appearance: ['responsive'],
// [...]
fontWeights: ['responsive', 'hover', 'focus'],
gradients: ['responsive', 'hover'], // add the variants here
height: ['responsive'],
leading: ['responsive'],
// etc. etc.
| Plugins
| Here is where you can register any plugins you'd like to use in your
| project. Tailwind's built-in `container` plugin is enabled by default to
| give you a Bootstrap-style responsive container component out of the box.
| Be sure to view the complete plugin documentation to learn more about how
| the plugin system works.
plugins: [
// center: true,
// padding: '1rem',
require('./plugins/gradients') // require the plugin file
| Advanced Options
| Here is where you can tweak advanced configuration options. We recommend
| leaving these options alone unless you absolutely need to change them.
options: {
prefix: '',
important: false,
separator: ':',
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