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Created June 29, 2024 14:51
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drv/icloud's formal specification (with RSpec, excerpt) -- a part of self server system
# ...definitions...
describe "REST API" do
# ...
context "when authenticated, with a sample video" do
# ...setup...
describe 'PUT /media/YYYY/MM/DD/IMG_NNNN.MOV' do
it "downloads media (a video) if it doesn't exist" do
expect(File.exist? video_path).not_to be
rest_put({}, "media/#{@media_path}")
expect_in_time 30 do # NOTE the file just started to download
sleep 2
# NOTE it's reasonable for a video file to be 1MB at least
expect(File.size video_path).to be > 2**10
it "skips downloading media (a video) if it exists already" do
mtime = File.mtime(video_path)
rest_put({}, "media/#{@media_path}")
expect(File.mtime video_path).to eq mtime
describe 'GET /' do
# NOTE this depends in part on the service's "healthcheck"
# (which comprises regular requests to this endpoint)
it "should fetch all the videos' metadata, log new and deleted ones and return the list" do
expect(videos = rest_get).not_to be_empty # SEE above
new_video_path =
ask("Shoot a new (short) video, wait until it makes to iCloud; its media path (YYYY/MM/DD/IMG_NNNN.MOV)")
).to match MEDIA_PATH_RE
expect_in_time 90 do
expect(@msgs.pop).to include act: 'created', path: "media/#{new_video_path}", src: 'icloud'
expect(rest_get - videos).to include new_video_path
expect(ask "Now, remove that video from iCloud please [OK]").to be_empty
expect_in_time 180 do
expect(@msgs.pop).to include act: 'deleted', path: "media/#{new_video_path}", src: 'icloud'
expect(rest_get).not_to include new_video_path
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