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Carl Osterwisch costerwi

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costerwi / Abaqus
Last active June 11, 2024 09:19
Overview of running Abaqus MPI on Linux

Abaqus MPI on Linux

MPI Versions Delivered with Abaqus

Abaqus version IBM Platform MPI (PMPI) Intel MPI (IMPI)
2018 to 2020 HF2 (S, E) 2017.2.174
2020 HF3 (FP2024) 2017.2.174 (S, E)
2020 HF4 (FP2030) (S, E) 2017.2.174
2020 >=HF5 (FP2038) (S) 2019 Update 7 (E)
costerwi / Abaqus
Last active December 14, 2021 17:42
Prerequisites for Abaqus user subroutines on Windows

Abaqus requires additional software to be installed on Windows in order to make use of custom User Subroutines. You will need both a C++ compiler and Fortran compiler. Only specific versions of these compilers are officially supported by Simulia for use with each version of Abaqus.

Abaqus 2021

C++ compiler

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (Visual C++) is a Qualified Platform.

The Abaqus 2016 installation process is significantly different than in previous versions. This unofficial guide may be helpful if you're having trouble following the official instructions.

Download tar archive files from Simulia

After some time you will have the following files:

costerwi /
Last active March 4, 2024 19:12
Raspbian startup

Normal Raspbian startup sequence

/usr/bin/raspi-config is a shell script to change some of the following options. docs

  1. /etc/inittab sets the default runlevel and runs /etc/init.d/rc to execute startup scripts.
  2. /etc/rc3.d/S03lightdm launches lightdm for runlevel 3.
  3. /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf contains configuration options for lightdm, including autologin-user
  4. /etc/X11/Xsession sources all files in /etc/X11/Xsession.d
  5. /etc/X11/Xsession.d/50x11-common_determine-startup will set STARTUP to either ~/.xsession or ~/.Xsession if it exists. If not executable, it will prepend ${SHELL:-sh}. The default is STARTUP=/usr/bin/x-session-manager which is linked to /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager which is linked to /usr/bin/startlxde-pi
  6. lxde is the "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment"
  7. `/usr/bin/startlxde