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Created November 5, 2012 13:26
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Save cosu/4017169 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Educational tool to bruteforce RC4 encrypted files.
__author__ = 'cdumitru'
import sys
from Crypto.Cipher import ARC4
import numpy
import string
import itertools
from multiprocessing import Pool
from time import time
import cProfile
#ALPHABET = string.digits
ALPHABET = string.ascii_lowercase
#ALPHABET = string.ascii_uppercase
#ALPHABET = string.letters + string.digits
#ALPHABET = string.letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
#ALPHABET = string.printable
FILE_NAME = sys.argv[1]
def gen():
Iterates through the alphabet one letter at a time
for i in ALPHABET:
yield tuple([i])
def check(key, data):
Decrypts the data with the given key and checks the entropy
decr =
#compute for the decrypted data block
#interpret decrypted data as an int array
int_array = numpy.frombuffer(decr, dtype=numpy.uint8)
count = numpy.bincount(int_array)
#compute probability for each int value
prob = count/float(numpy.sum(count))
#thow away zero values
prob = prob [numpy.nonzero(prob)]
#Shannon entropy
entropy = -sum(prob * numpy.log2(prob))
#if this doesn't look like a random stream then jackpot
if entropy < 7.9:
print('Key: {0}, Entropy: {1}'.format(key, entropy))
def worker(base):
#read 64KB from the file
data = open(FILE_NAME, 'rb').read(2**16)
#generate all the strings of KEY_LENGTH length and check them
#We know prior that the key starts with a. Remove the next two lines for generic behavior
if string.ascii_lowercase in ALPHABET:
base = tuple(['a']) + base
for i in itertools.product(ALPHABET, repeat=KEY_LENGTH-len(base)):
check(''.join(base + i), data)
def parallel():
Starts a number of threads that search through the key space
p = Pool(CPU_COUNT), gen(), chunksize=2)
def serial():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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