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Last active December 12, 2015 04:39
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flatten an array
# Let's set up a quick and dirty test framework
# a helper to define the tests
expect = (expected, input) ->
[expected, input]
# an array equivalence test
areSameArrays = (left, right) ->
return no unless left.length is right.length
for i of left
return no unless left[i] is right[i]
# run a single test
runTest = (test, fn) ->
result = fn test[1]
if areSameArrays test[0], result
console.log "Expected:", test[0], "saw", result, "on input", test[1]
# run the suite of tests
runTests = (tests, fn) ->
pass = 0
fail = 0
for test in tests
if runTest test, fn
pass += 1
fail += 1
console.log "#{tests.length} tests run, #{pass} passed, #{fail} failed"
# the various tests to run
tests = [
# trivial cases
expect [], []
expect [1], [1]
expect [1], [[[[1]]]]
expect [1, 2], [1, 2]
# starting to get interesting
expect [1, 2, 3], [1, [2, [3]]]
expect [1, 2, 3, 4], [[1, []], [2], [[], [3, [4]]]]
expect [1, 2, 3], [[[1], 2], 3]
# the given examples
expect [1, 2, 3, 4], [[1,2,[3]],4]
# the implementation
# we'll use a husk-and-kernel method to force tail recursion
flattenKernel = (previous, remaining) ->
return previous if remaining.length is 0
here = if Array.isArray remaining[0]
# depth-first recursive call
flattenKernel previous, remaining[0]
previous.concat remaining[0]
flattenKernel here, remaining[1..]
flatten = (array) ->
flattenKernel [], array
runTests tests, flatten
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