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Created June 13, 2024 19:39
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WWDC24 (10151) Create custom visual effects with SwiftUI

Create custom visual effects with SwiftUI

Philip Davis and Rob Bohnke

Small details make a big difference, and visual effects can enhance perception and functionality. Experiment to find the right effect.

Effects can:

  • Show feature is working
  • Add personality
  • Focus attention

Covered in the talk:

  1. Scroll effects
  2. Color treatments
  3. View transitions
  4. Text transitions
  5. Metal shaders

1. Scroll view effects

Basic enhancement: enable scroll paging with scrollTargetBehavior(.paging)

.scrollTransition modifier changes collection of elements to something custom Exposes: content to transition and its scroll phase Use phase.value to check how far off screen view is phase.identity will be true when content is fully on screen

Use .visualEffect to e.g. change view hue rotation based on view's position in scroll view Exposes contentPlaceholder (similar to content in scrollTransition), and proxy (gives geometry values of view) You can modify scale, skew, rotation, offset, brightness, and color properties of views, for example, to create your own custom scroll view effect

2. Color effects

Color can give app identity, focus attention, or clarify intent

Existing support in SwiftUI:

  • Gradient types: linear, radial, angular
  • Color controls: brightness, hue rotation, saturation
  • Blend modes

New: mesh gradients

  • Made from grid of points
  • Each point has an associated color
  • SwiftUI interpolates colors between points to create a color fill
  • Points can be moved to modify color transitions
    width: 3,
    height: 3,
    points: [
        [0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 0.5], [0.9, 0.3], [1.0, 0.5],
        [0.0, 1.0], [0.5, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]
    colors: [
        .blue, .blue, .blue,
        .green, .green, .green

Possible uses

  • decorative
  • match imagery
  • signal change with mesh gradient animation

Play with position of control points, grid size, and color palette

3. View transitions

Add or remove views Provide context to what changed and why

Standard transitions like scale and opacity Combine transitions Create entirely custom transitions

  1. Create a new struct conforming to Transition protocol
  2. body function takes content and phase parameters, similar to scroll views
  3. Add view modifiers like scaleEffect, opacity, blur, rotationEffect,
  4. Check phase.isIdentity, phase.willAppear, and phase.willDisappear to adjust modifier effects

Use transitions to:

  • Ease an element into view as it loads
  • Introduce key information
  • Make graphical element feel dynamic

4. Text transitions

Use text transitions to animate text by component, like line, word, and glyph TextRenderer new protocol to customize how text is drawn for entire view tree

Default rendering behavior:

  1. Declare a struct conforming to TextRenderer
  2. Implement draw(layout: in:)
    • Text.Layout: access individual components of text
    • GraphicsContext is the same as in Canvas
      • See Add rich graphics to your SwiftUI app
  3. For default rendering, iterate over lines and draw in context

Example custom rendering

  1. To drive a custom transition, declare properties such as: elapsedTime, elementDuration, totalDuration
  2. Conform to Animatable protocol, and forward animatableData property to elapsedTime
  3. Distribute available time among all text layout elements
  4. For each text line, update GraphicsContext properties (like opacity, blur, translation) based on line properties such as typographicBounds

To focus on specific elements in text, use TextAttribute Conform struct to TextAttribute protocol to pass data from text to TextRenderer Use customAttribute modifier with your struct to mark a SwiftUI Text element

5. Metal shaders

Most fine-grained control. Small programs calculating effects directly on device GPU. Used internally to implement many SwiftUI features, including mesh gradients Pass colors, numbers, and images to shaders to modify the effect Written in Metal, not Swift

Uses of shaders in SwiftUI:

  • Custom fills
  • Color effects
  • Distortion effects
  • Layer effects


Try experimenting with:

  • Custom scroll effects
  • Mesh gradients
  • Custom transitions
  • Text renderer
  • Metal shaders
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