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'' compile with fbc example1.bas gifwriter.bas
#include once ""
screen 13
dim s as string = !"Hello\nWorld!"
dim g as GifWriter = GifWriter("hello.gif")
for i as integer = 1 to len(s)
print mid(s, i, 1);
if i = len(s) then g.setNextFrameDuration(100)
sleep 100
next i
g.loopcount = GifWriter.LOOP_FOREVER
'' compile with fbc example2.bas gifwriter.bas
#include once ""
screen 13
#define r(n) int(rnd * (n))
const W = 100, H = 100
dim as any ptr img = imagecreate(W, H), p
dim as integer pitch
imageinfo img, ,,, pitch, p
dim as GifWriter g = GifWriter("lines.gif")
dim as long pal(0 to 255)
for c as integer = 1 to 255
pal(c) = r(16777216)
palette c, pal(c) shr 16 and 255, pal(c) shr 8 and 255, pal(c) and 255
next c
for i as integer = 1 to 100
line img, (r(W), r(H))-(r(W), r(H)), r(256)
dim as ubyte c = 1 + r(255)
pal(c) = r(16777216)
palette c, pal(c) shr 16 and 255, pal(c) shr 8 and 255, pal(c) and 255
g.saveframe(p, W, H, pitch, @pal(0))
put (10, 10), img, pset
sleep 10
next i
bsave "lines-final.bmp", img
imagedestroy img
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
constructor GifWriter(byref filename as const string, byval TestExistence as boolean)
gif = EGifOpenFileName(filename, TestExistence, @errorcode)
EGifSetGifVersion(gif, 1) '' GIF89A
end constructor
destructor GifWriter()
end destructor
function GifWriter.close() as long
if gif then
if loopcount <> PLAY_ONCE then putLoop()
EGifCloseFile(gif, @errorcode)
gif = NULL
end if
if gifline then
gifline = NULL
end if
if prevframe then
prevframe = NULL
end if
return errorcode
end function
function GifWriter.saveScreen() as long
dim as integer wid, hei, pitch, bypp
dim as ubyte ptr src
dim as long pal(0 to 255)
dim as ubyte frame()
src = screenptr
if src then
screeninfo wid, hei, 0, bypp, pitch
if bypp = 1 then
for i as integer = 0 to 255
dim as integer r, g, b
palette get i, r, g, b
pal(i) = RGB(r, g, b)
next i
saveFrame(src, wid, hei, pitch, @pal(0))
errorcode = E_GIF_ERR_NO_COLOR_MAP
end if
errorcode = E_GIF_ERR_WRITE_FAILED '' there's no generic error code
end if
errorcode = E_GIF_SUCCEEDED
return errorcode
end function
function GifWriter.saveFrame( _
byval src as const ubyte ptr, _
byval wid as long, byval hei as long, byval pitch as long, _
byval pal as const ulong const ptr) as long
dim cmap as ColorMapObject ptr = NULL
dim as GifPixelType c1, c2
if writtenFirstFrame = false then
gifwid = wid: gifhei = hei
gifline = allocate(wid)
prevframe = allocate(wid * hei)
if gifline = NULL or prevframe = NULL then
end if
memcpy(@gpal(0), pal, sizeof(long)*256)
memcpy(@prevpal(0), pal, sizeof(long)*256)
cmap = GifMakeMapObject(256, NULL)
for i as integer = 0 to 255
cmap->Colors[i].Red = pal[i] shr 16 and 255
cmap->Colors[i].Green = pal[i] shr 8 and 255
cmap->Colors[i].Blue = pal[i] and 255
next i
'' This must be the first thing written to the gif.
EGifPutScreenDesc(gif, wid, hei, 256, 0, cmap)
EGifPutImageDesc(gif, 0, 0, wid, hei, 0, NULL)
for y as integer = 0 to hei-1
'' Because EGifPutLine reserves the right to modify the line!
memcpy(gifline, src + y * pitch, wid)
memcpy(prevframe + y * wid, src + (y * pitch), wid)
EGifPutLine(gif, gifline, wid)
next y
writtenFirstFrame = true
if wid > gifwid then wid = gifwid
if hei > gifhei then hei = gifhei
'' Can we output a smaller, changed region?
'' Trim off unchanged rows/columns from top/bottom/left/right.
'' We could only check the colours of the pixels, but it's
'' better to check the palette indexes as well, so that each
'' frame can be rendered with given palette (plus any global
'' palette entries if the local palette is truncated).
'' (Checking only colours would probably cause unexpected
'' problems anyway)
dim as integer x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = wid-1, y2 = hei-1
while y1 <= y2 '' Top down
for x as integer = 0 to wid-1
c1 = src[y1 * pitch + x]
c2 = prevframe[y1 * wid + x]
if c1 <> c2 then exit while
if pal[c1] <> prevpal(c2) then exit while
next x
y1 += 1
while y2 >= y1 '' Bottom up
for x as integer = 0 to wid-1
c1 = src[y2 * pitch + x]
c2 = prevframe[y2 * wid + x]
if c1 <> c2 then exit while
if pal[c1] <> prevpal(c2) then exit while
next x
y2 -= 1
if y1 > y2 then x1 = 0: y1 = 0: x2 = 0: y2 = 0
while x1 < x2 '' From left
for y as integer = y1 to y2
c1 = src[y * pitch + x1]
c2 = prevframe[y * wid + x1]
if c1 <> c2 then exit while
if pal[c1] <> prevpal(c2) then exit while
next y
x1 += 1
while x2 > x1 '' From right
for y as integer = y1 to y2
c1 = src[y * pitch + x2]
c2 = prevframe[y * wid + x2]
if c1 <> c2 then exit while
if pal[c1] <> prevpal(c2) then exit while
next y
x2 -= 1
'' Can we use the global palette?
'' Check only changes from the the pixels used in the changed
'' region.
'' A stricter check would check all the pixels in the frame.
'' Stricter still would just be to memcmp pal and gpal.
dim as boolean use_gpal = true
dim as ubyte lastindex = 0'255
for y as integer = y1 to y2
for x as integer = x1 to x2
c1 = src[y * pitch + x]
c2 = prevframe[y * wid + x]
if c1 > lastindex then lastindex = c1
if pal[c1] = gpal(c1) then use_gpal = false
next x
if lastindex = 255 and (use_gpal = 0) then exit for
next y
if use_gpal = 0 then
'' Need to assign a local palette.
'' We'll use the full 256-colour palette, but we could
'' save space and lower bpp by taking the number of
'' used/changed colours (rounded up to a power of two
'' because GIF).
lastindex = 255
cmap = GifMakeMapObject(lastindex + 1, NULL)
for i as integer = 0 to lastindex
cmap->Colors[i].Red = pal[i] shr 16 and 255
cmap->Colors[i].Green = pal[i] shr 8 and 255
cmap->Colors[i].Blue = pal[i] and 255
next i
end if
memcpy(@prevpal(0), pal, sizeof(long) * (lastindex+1))
EGifPutImageDesc(gif, x1, y1, x2-x1+1, y2-y1+1, 0, cmap)
if cmap then GifFreeMapObject(cmap)
'' Output each line, update (changed areas of) prev_frame
for y as integer = y1 to y2
'' Because EGifPutLine reserves the right to modify the line!
memcpy(gifline, src + y * pitch + x1, wid)
memcpy(prevframe + y * wid + x1, gifline, x2-x1+1)
EGifPutLine(gif, gifline, x2-x1+1)
next y
end if
return errorcode
end function
sub GifWriter.setNextFrameDuration(byval centiseconds as ushort)
nextduration = centiseconds
end sub
sub GifWriter.setDefaultFrameDuration(byval centiseconds as ushort)
defaultduration = centiseconds
end sub
function GifWriter.putDuration() as long
dim as GraphicsControlBlock gcb
dim as GifByteType gifextension(0 to 3)
dim as ushort centiseconds = iif(nextduration >= 0, nextduration, defaultduration)
with gcb
.UserInputFlag = false
.DelayTime = centiseconds
.TransparentColor = NO_TRANSPARENT_COLOR
end with
EGifGCBToExtension(@gcb, @gifextension(0))
errorcode = EGifPutExtension(gif, GRAPHICS_EXT_FUNC_CODE, 4, @gifextension(0))
if errorcode = GIF_OK then
errorcode = E_GIF_SUCCEEDED
else '' GIF_ERROR
end if
nextduration = -1
return errorcode
end function
function GifWriter.putLoop() as long
dim as GifByteType gifextension(0 to 2)
gifextension(0) = 1
gifextension(1) = loopcount and 255
gifextension(2) = (loopcount shr 8) and 255
if EGifPutExtensionLeader(gif, APPLICATION_EXT_FUNC_CODE) <> GIF_OK then
return errorcode
end if
if EGifPutExtensionBlock(gif, 11, @"NETSCAPE2.0") <> GIF_OK then
return errorcode
end if
if EGifPutExtensionBlock(gif, 3, @gifextension(0)) <> GIF_OK then
return errorcode
end if
if EGifPutExtensionTrailer(gif) <> GIF_OK then
return errorcode
end if
end function
function GifWriter.errorString() as string
#define case_(e) case e: return #e
select case errorcode
case else: return str(errorcode)
end select
end function
#pragma once
#ifndef __GIF_WRITER_BI__
#define __GIF_WRITER_BI__
#include ""
type GifWriter
declare constructor(byref filename as const string, byval TestExistence as boolean = false)
declare sub setDefaultFrameDuration(byval centiseconds as ushort)
declare sub setNextFrameDuration(byval centiseconds as ushort)
declare function saveScreen() as long
declare function saveFrame( _
byval p as const ubyte ptr, _
byval wid as long, byval hei as long, byval pitch as long, _
byval pal as const ulong const ptr) as long
declare function close() as long
declare function errorString() as string
declare destructor()
as long errorcode = E_GIF_SUCCEEDED
end enum
as ushort loopcount = PLAY_ONCE
'' disable copying
declare constructor(byref as const GifWriter)
declare operator let(byref as const GifWriter)
declare function putDuration() as long
declare function putLoop() as long
as GifFileType ptr gif
as boolean writtenfirstframe = false
as GifPixelType ptr prevframe
as GifPixelType ptr gifline
as long gifwid, gifhei
as ulong prevpal(0 to 255), gpal(0 to 255)
as ushort defaultduration = 0
as integer nextduration = -1
end type
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