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Last active May 31, 2020 02:36
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function! Tapi_sp(bufnum, arglist)
let winid = bufwinid(a:bufnum)
let path = get(a:arglist, 0, '')
if winid == -1 || empty(path)
call win_execute(winid, 'sp ' . path)
# can be runned with
# printf '\033]51;["call", "Tapi_sp", ["%s"]]\007' "/somepath/config/" - does not throw error - buffer name : config/
# printf '\033]51;["call", "Tapi_sp", ["%s"]]\007' "/somepath/config" - throw error - buffer created with name : config
# printf '\033]51;["call", "Tapi_sp", ["%s"]]\007' "$(pwd)" - works without error
# printf '\033]51;["call", "Tapi_sp", ["%s"]]\007' "onPathThatExists" - works without error (that path i tried was a dir)
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