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Created April 22, 2015 18:57
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Pixel weight calculator
import numpy as np
# Author: Ethan Trewhitt <>
# Given a space of dimension 'dims', determine the length of a line segment between p1 and p2 in terms of its length within
# every pixel in the space. Yields a NumPy array of shape 'dims' where each value is the length of the line segment through
# the corresponding pixel. Maximum output value is sqrt(2), which means the segment went from one corner of the pixel to the
# other. Minimum output value is 0, which means the line segment did not go through that pixel.
# dims = NumPy compatible dimension specification (duple)
# p1 = duple containing (x, y) of one end of line segment (can be floats)
# p2 = duple containing (x, y) of other end
# Notes:
# p1 and p2 must lay within the bounds of dims.
# This code may divide by zero, which is okay. Ignore with np.seterr(divide='ignore')
# Sample input values:
# dims = (100, 50)
# p1 = (4, 2.6)
# p2 = (83.4, 23)
def pixel_weights(dims, p1, p2):
TOLERANCE = 1e-12 # used to compensate for rounding
p1_x = float(p1[0])
p1_y = float(p1[1])
p2_x = float(p2[0])
p2_y = float(p2[1])
m = np.divide((p2_y - p1_y), (p2_x - p1_x))
# Find all X intersections and the corresponding Y values
new_x = np.arange( (math.floor(min(p1_x, p2_x) + TOLERANCE) + 1), (math.ceil(max(p1_x, p2_x) - TOLERANCE)) )
new_xy = np.vstack(( new_x, (m * (new_x - p1_x) + p1_y) ))
# Find all Y intersections and the corresponding X values
new_y = np.arange( (math.floor(min(p1_y, p2_y) + TOLERANCE) + 1), (math.ceil(max(p1_y, p2_y) - TOLERANCE)) )
new_yx = np.vstack(( ( np.divide((new_y - p1_y), m) + p1_x), new_y ))
# Combine the two lists along with the start and end points
points = np.hstack(( np.vstack((p1_x, p1_y)), np.vstack((p2_x, p2_y)), new_xy, new_yx ))
# Sort by Y and X (in case it's a horizontal line)
points = points[:,points[1,:].argsort(kind='mergesort')[::-1]]
points = points[:,points[0,:].argsort(kind='mergesort')[::-1]]
# Round so that we can combine any really close points
points = np.round(points / TOLERANCE) * TOLERANCE
# Eliminate duplicate points (this approach works because the points are sorted)
points = points[:, ( np.hstack(( points[0,0:-1], np.NAN )) != np.hstack(( points[0,1:], np.NAN )) ) | ( np.hstack(( points[1,0:-1], np.NAN )) != np.hstack(( points[1,1:], np.NAN )) ) ]
# Get the segments between each pair of points
starts = points[:, 0:-1] # all points but the last
ends = points[:, 1:] # all points but the first
# Attribute each segment to the pixel occupied by its midpoint
idx = np.floor((starts + ends) / 2).astype(int)
weights = np.zeros(dims)
weights[idx[0,:], idx[1,:]] = np.sqrt( np.power(starts[0,:] - ends[0,:], 2) + np.power(starts[1,:] - ends[1,:], 2) ) # Pythagorean
return weights
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