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Machine Learning (Stanford) Principle Component Analysis (Week 8, Quiz 2) for the github repo:

Machine Learning Week 8 Quiz 2 (Principle Component Analysis) Stanford Coursera

Github repo for the Course: Stanford Machine Learning (Coursera)
Quiz Needs to be viewed here at the repo (because the image solutions cant be viewed as part of a gist)

Question 1

Answer Explanation
Maximal variance image The maximal variance is along the y = x line, so this option is correct.
Maximal variance image The maximal variance is along the y = x line, so the negative vector along that line is correct for the first principal component

Question 2

Answer Explanation
Choose k to be the smallest value so that at least 99% of the variance is retained This maintains the structure of the data while maximally reducing its dimension.

Question 3

Answer Explanation
Maximal variance image It is just a formula.

Question 4

Answer Explanation
PCA Q4 Answer 1 If you do not perform mean normalization, PCA will rotate the data in a possibly undesired way.
PCA Q4 Answer 2 Not sure yet

Question 5

True or False Statement Explanation
False Data visualization: To take 2D data, and find a different way of plotting it in 2D (using k=2) None needed
False As a replacement for (or alternative to) linear regression: For most learning applications, PCA and linear regression give substantially similar results PCA is not linear regression. They have different goals (and cost functions), so they give different results.
True Data compression: Reduce the dimension of your input data x(i), which will be used in a supervised learning algorithm (i.e., use PCA so that your supervised learning algorithm runs faster) If your learning algorithm is too slow because the input dimension is too high, then using PCA to speed it up is a reasonable choice.
True Data compression: Reduce the dimension of your data, so that it takes up less memory/disk space. If memory or disk space is limited, PCA allows you to save space in exchange for losing a little of the data's information. This can be a reasonable tradeoff.
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