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Last active November 7, 2019 18:48
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require 'tabulo'
require 'rainbow'
unused_routes = {}
# Iterating over all non-empty routes from RouteSet do |route|
name = route[:controller].camelcase
next if name.start_with?("Rails")
controller = "#{name}Controller"
if Object.const_defined?(controller) && ![:action])
# Get route for which associated action is not present and add it in final results
unless Dir.glob(Rails.root.join("app", "views", name.downcase, "#{route[:action]}.*")).any?
unused_routes[controller] = [] if unused_routes[controller].nil?
unused_routes[controller] << route[:action]
table =, border: :modern)
table.add_column(:first, header: 'Controller', styler: -> (cell_value, s) { cell_value ? Rainbow(s).purple : Rainbow(s).red })
table.add_column('Unused Actions', styler: -> (cell_value, s) { cell_value ? Rainbow(s).red : Rainbo(s).green }) { |k, v| v.join(' | ') }
puts table.pack
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