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Created September 21, 2013 05:08
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(ns debugger-playground.wrap2-test
(:use [clojure.pprint :only (pprint)])
(:require [debugger-playground.wrap2 :as w]
[ :as trace]
[clojure.set :as set]
[debugger-playground.core :as c]
[clojure.test :refer :all]))
(require '[debugger-playground.wrap2 :as w] :reload)
(def special-forms
"Convenience for making sure I've covered everything"
(->> clojure.lang.Compiler/specials seq (map (comp symbol first)) set))
(def covered (set/union w/treat-as-function-call w/treat-as-let
(keys w/exclude-initial-elements)
(keys w/general-wrap-dispatch)))
(assert (= (set/union covered #{'&}) special-forms)
[(set/difference covered special-forms)
(set/difference special-forms covered)])
(assert (set/subset? w/do-not-wrap-return-value special-forms))
(defn wrapper [form] `(~'w ~form))
(def w identity)
(defmacro wrapper=
([input expected] `(wrapper= ~input ~expected nil))
([input expected msg]
`(let [result# (w/walk-wrap wrapper ~input)
_# (eval result#)]
(is (= result# ~expected) ~msg))))
(deftest function-wrapping
(wrapper= '( inc (dec 0))
'(w (inc (w (dec 0))))
"Wrapping should walk into function calls")
(wrapper= '( (comp inc) 0)
'(w ((w (comp inc)) 0))
"Functions invocations returned by functions should be
(deftest object-wrapping
;; Regression test
(wrapper= '[0 1] '[0 1]))
(deftest let-wrapping
(wrapper= '(let* [a (inc 0) e 1] (dec e))
'(let* [a (w (inc 0)) e 1] (w (dec e)))
"Wrapping captures let*'s binding expressions"))
(deftest deftype*-wrapping
(defprotocol t (f [g h]) (k [l]))
(let [head '(deftype*
[debugger_playground.wrap2_test.t clojure.lang.IType])]
(wrapper= `(~@head ~'(f [g h] (inc g)) ~'(k [l] (l) (l 1)))
`(~@head ~'(f [g h] (w (inc g))) ~'(k [l] (w (l)) (w (l 1))))
"deftype* methods should be wrapped")))
(deftest throw-wrapping
;; Was getting the wrong result for this, because I thought the
;; throw argument should not be wrapped. Regression test.
(let [texpr '(throw (new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException (str "No")))
result (w/walk-wrap wrapper texpr)
_ (is = '(throw (w (new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException (w (str "No"))))))]
(is (thrown? java.lang.IllegalArgumentException (eval result)))))
(deftest ignore-elements
(is (=
'(deftype* a b [c d] :implements [e] (f [g h] (i j)) (k [l] (m) (n)))
'(deftype* a b [c d] :implements [e] (w (f [g h] (w (i j)))) (w (k [l] (w (m)) (w (n))))))))
(deftest dot-wrapping
(wrapper= '(. "." length) '(w (. "." length))
"(. instance-expr member-symbol) Same form for (. Classname-symbol member-symbol)")
(wrapper= '( . "foo" (charAt 1))
'(w (. "foo" (charAt 1))))
(wrapper= '(. "foo" charAt (inc 0))
'(w (. "foo" charAt (w (inc 0))))))
(deftest case*-wrapping
(wrapper= '(let* [a "hello"] (case* a 1 1 (throw (new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException (str "No matching clause: " a))) {0 ["" 0], 1 ["hello" (count a) ]} :compact :hash-equiv #{1 2 3}))
'(let* [a "hello"] (w (case* a 1 1 (throw (w (new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException (w (str "No matching clause: " a))))) {0 ["" 0], 1 ["hello" (w (count a))]} :compact :hash-equiv #{1 2 3})))))
(deftest fn*-wrapping
(wrapper= '(fn* a ([b c] b (a (inc c))) ([] (a 1)))
'(fn* a ([b c] b (w (a (w (inc c))))) ([] (w (a 1)))))
(wrapper= '(fn* ([b c] b (dec (inc c))) ([] (dec 1)))
'(fn* ([b c] b (w (dec (w (inc c))))) ([] (w (dec 1))))))
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