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Created October 9, 2009 19:57
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jQuery.param, pulled out of 1.4.2, for use with 1.3.2 or earlier.
// jQuery.param, pulled out of 1.4.2
var r20 = /%20/g;
// Serialize an array of form elements or a set of
// key/values into a query string
$.param = function( a, traditional ) {
var s = [];
// Set traditional to true for jQuery <= 1.3.2 behavior.
if ( traditional === undefined ) {
traditional = jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional;
// If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements.
if ( jQuery.isArray(a) || a.jquery ) {
// Serialize the form elements
jQuery.each( a, function() {
add(, this.value );
} else {
// If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older
// did it), otherwise encode params recursively.
for ( var prefix in a ) {
buildParams( prefix, a[prefix] );
// Return the resulting serialization
return s.join("&").replace(r20, "+");
function buildParams( prefix, obj ) {
if ( jQuery.isArray(obj) ) {
// Serialize array item.
jQuery.each( obj, function( i, v ) {
if ( traditional || /\[\]$/.test( prefix ) ) {
// Treat each array item as a scalar.
add( prefix, v );
} else {
// If array item is non-scalar (array or object), encode its
// numeric index to resolve deserialization ambiguity issues.
// Note that rack (as of 1.0.0) can't currently deserialize
// nested arrays properly, and attempting to do so may cause
// a server error. Possible fixes are to modify rack's
// deserialization algorithm or to provide an option or flag
// to force array serialization to be shallow.
buildParams( prefix + "[" + ( typeof v === "object" || jQuery.isArray(v) ? i : "" ) + "]", v );
} else if ( !traditional && obj != null && typeof obj === "object" ) {
// Serialize object item.
jQuery.each( obj, function( k, v ) {
buildParams( prefix + "[" + k + "]", v );
} else {
// Serialize scalar item.
add( prefix, obj );
function add( key, value ) {
// If value is a function, invoke it and return its value
value = jQuery.isFunction(value) ? value() : value;
s[ s.length ] = encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
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