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Created August 7, 2010 18:51
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Super Shrinkify
// This might be useful for certain size-limited JS competitions, or not. #js
function super_shrinkify( str ){
if ( str.length % 2 ) {
str += ' ';
var prefix = '"',
suffix = '".replace(/./g,function(a){a=a.charCodeAt();return String.fromCharCode(a>>7,a%128)})',
str_bytes = unescape( encodeURIComponent( str ) ).length,
out = str.replace( /(.)(.)/g, function(a,b,c){
return String.fromCharCode( 128 * b.charCodeAt() + c.charCodeAt() );
out = prefix + out + suffix;
if ( eval(out) !== str ) {
console.log( 'error, input and decoded don\'t match!' );
console.log( 'input:\n' + '"' + str + '"' );
console.log( 'decoded:\n' + '"' + eval(out) + '"' );
} else {
out = 'eval(' + out + ')';
out_bytes = unescape( encodeURIComponent( out ) ).length;
console.log( 'before: ' + str.length + ' chars, ' + str_bytes + ' bytes' );
console.log( 'after: ' + out.length + ' chars, ' + out_bytes + ' bytes' );
console.log( 'savings: ' + ( str.length - out.length ) + ' chars, ' + ( str_bytes - out_bytes ) + ' bytes' );
return out;
// Usage:
super_shrinkify( already_minified_code_string );
// Example:
// Console output:
before: 1024 chars, 1024 bytes
after: 603 chars, 1627 bytes
savings: 421 chars, -603 bytes
"eval("㊽㩨㓳ᙔỤ㟣㫭㋮㨬㠽㧥㩉㝴㋲㭡㘬┽⨮ㅯ㉹ᝳ㩹㙥᙭Ổᝧ㋴⋬㋭㋮㩂㳉㈨ᅣᄩᙖửᝧ㋴⇯㝴㋸㨨ᄲ㈢ᒬ㎽⛡㩨ᙯủᝐ⒬⊽㞯ᢸᠬⰽ㎮㛩㜬㘽㎮㧩㜬㌽㎮㇯㦬∽㎮㡯㮬⠽㎮㥡㝤㟭ᙏẢ㌰ᠱ㍡ᠱ㍦ᠱᠷᠱᡦ㌱ᠰ㌱ᨰᰱ㊸㊢ᝳ㡬㓴ᐱᒬ㬽ⷝ᙮ớ⺻㴽ℽ㔽☽┮㛡㥧㓮ẰᷙỢỵằ᷁ẳ᷆Ẹ᷊ᝯ㭥㥦㙯㮽ᅨ㓤㉥㜢ᷰᑦ㫮ㇴ㓯㜨ᓻⒽ㚮㯩㉴㐽㊮㓮㝥㥗㓤㩨᷒ửᝨ㋩㏨㨽㊮㓮㝥㥈㋩㏨㨻㨽Ⱘ㖽⒯᤬⪽⤯ᤩᚨ〉ᤩᷦ㟲ᑑẰ᷑ḳᦻ⢫ᖩ㷎Ỷⷑ⻼㸨㭛⣝ỻ㰺㖬㲺⫽ᒻ㓦ᑑᓻ⦽㭛⢭ᣝ᷎᝸ᖽᑓ᝸ᛎ᝸ᒯᑵᖱᒻ✮㲫Ẩ⦮㲭✮㲩ឨ㪫ᢩ㻽㓦ᑪḽᢩ㷺ᚽㄪⲪᨻ␽㘨㢽㴪⊩ᕴ᷇Ủᑱᒪ㩽㋬㧥㷺ᚽㄪⲪ᤻␽㘨㢽㴪⊩ᕴ᷋ủᝳ㣲㨨∨␬ᤩᗄᑇẰᘲᒩᷚủᝡ㩡㜲ᑇᙈᒫᑱ៪ᒻ␽▪㌨⴩᷇ịᕬᑚᓽ㭛ᡝ᝸ừᗈ᷶ⶰ⺮㲽⪫⎻㍯㤨⢽ᠻ⢼᰻⢫ᖩ㷎Ỷⶴᕑ⺻㝛Åᖥᦰᡝỻ㦺᢬㈺᢬ㆺ⟛⣝ᙸᵎ᝸ᙹᵎ᝹㻽⬮㍩㙬⥥ㇴᑑẰᘰᙉᙒᒻ㯨㓬㊨✽㝛⢫ᗝᓻ✮㦫Ỏᝤ᷎ᝤỎᝳἽ⌿ᚱᵎᝳḽ₿ᢺ✮㈻⬮㍩㙬⧴㳬㊽ᄣᄫ✮ㆻ⬮ㅥ㏩㝐ヴ㐨ᒻ⬮ヲㆨ✮㰬✮㲬✮㦬ᠬ㞪᤬㍡㙳㊩ᷖᝦ㓬㘨ᓽ㺬ᦰᒻ㠨㍵㝣㩩㟮ᑣᙡᓻソ⠨ᒻ㯨㓬㊨☽Ỿ㼨ㆽ⠨ᒪᬩᓻ㻌Ỿ㽣ᷩ㌨ㆼᠮ᪩㷙ậ⳽㋬㧥㷩㌨ㆼᤩ㷏ᝰ㫳㐨➮㧨㓦㨨ᒩ㻥㙳㋻㓦ᑣḳᓻ㔽オ᯽㋬㧥㷩㌨ㆼᨩ㷢ỡᔸᖱ㻥㙳㋻㓦ᑣḵᓻ㪽オ᧽㋬㧥㷆ỡᔱᠫᬻ₽Ⱘ⌭ᨬ⠨ᒪ᪫ᤩ㻽㻽㻽ᘱᠲᨩ".replace(/./g,function(a){a=a.charCodeAt();return String.fromCharCode(a>>7,a%128)}))"
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This saves chars, not bytes, right?

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cowboy commented Aug 8, 2010

Yeah, it actually adds bytes.. but the thought was that maybe entries are validated against a character limit, not a byte limit :P

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