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Last active September 30, 2020 00:16
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generate boms: combine 1 or more KiBoM generated csv files with an id column name like "Digikey" (where a digikey part number is stored) and output IMO a much better csv file (note: do NOT number rows or group fields)
; General BoM options here
; If 'ignore_dnf' option is set to 1, rows that are not to be fitted on the PCB will not be written to the BoM file
ignore_dnf = 1
; If 'html_generate_dnf' option is set to 1, also generate a list of components not fitted on the PCB (HTML only)
html_generate_dnf = 1
; If 'use_alt' option is set to 1, grouped references will be printed in the alternate compressed style eg: R1-R7,R18
use_alt = 0
; If 'number_rows' option is set to 1, each row in the BoM will be prepended with an incrementing row number
number_rows = 0
; If 'group_connectors' option is set to 1, connectors with the same footprints will be grouped together, independent of the name of the connector
group_connectors = 1
; If 'test_regex' option is set to 1, each component group will be tested against a number of regular-expressions (specified, per column, below). If any matches are found, the row is ignored in the output file
test_regex = 1
; If 'merge_blank_fields' option is set to 1, component groups with blank fields will be merged into the most compatible group, where possible
merge_blank_fields = 1
; Specify output file name format, %O is the defined output name, %v is the version, %V is the variant name which will be ammended according to 'variant_file_name_format'.
output_file_name = %O_bom_%v%V
; Specify the variant file name format, this is a unique field as the variant is not always used/specified. When it is unused you will want to strip all of this.
variant_file_name_format = _(%V)
; Field name used to determine if a particular part is to be fitted
fit_field = Config
; Character used to separate reference designators in output
ref_separator = ' '
; Make a backup of the bom before generating the new one, using the following template
; make_backup =
; Default number of boards to produce if none given on CLI with -n
number_boards = 1
; Default PCB variant if none given on CLI with -r
board_variant = [u'default']
; Whether to hide headers from output file
hide_headers = 0
; Whether to hide PCB info from output file
hide_pcb_info = 1
; Interpret as a Digikey P/N and link the following field
digikey_link = 0
; Any column heading that appears here will be excluded from the Generated BoM
; Titles are case-insensitive
Part Lib
; Footprint Lib
; Footprint
; Datasheet
; Columns will apear in the order they are listed here
; Titles are case-insensitive
Quantity Per PCB
; Part
; Part Lib
Footprint Lib
; Sheetpath
; Build Quantity
; List of fields used for sorting individual components into groups
; Components which match (comparing *all* fields) will be grouped together
; Field names are case-insensitive
; Part
; Part Lib
; Value
; Footprint
; Footprint Lib
; A series of values which are considered to be equivalent for the part name
; Each line represents a list of equivalent component name values separated by white space
; e.g. 'c c_small cap' will ensure the equivalent capacitor symbols can be grouped together
; Aliases are case-insensitive
c c_small cap capacitor
r r_small res resistor
sw switch
l l_small inductor
zener zenersmall
d diode d_small
; A list of rules to join the content of fields
; Each line is a rule, the first name is the field that will receive the data
; from the other fields
; Use tab (ASCII 9) as separator
; Field names are case sensitive
; A series of regular expressions used to include parts in the BoM
; If there are any regex defined here, only components that match against ANY of them will be included in the BOM
; Column names are case-insensitive
; Format is: "[ColumName] [Regex]" (white-space separated)
; A series of regular expressions used to exclude parts from the BoM
; If a component matches ANY of these, it will be excluded from the BoM
; Column names are case-insensitive
; Format is: "[ColumName] [Regex]" (white-space separated)
References ^TP[0-9]*
References ^FID
Part mount.*hole
Part solder.*bridge
Part solder.*jumper
Part test.*point
Footprint test.*point
Footprint mount.*hole
Footprint fiducial
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import getopt
import csv
import re
import json
def usage(code=0):
script = os.path.basename(__file__)
print(f'Usage: {script} --id-column-name <name> file1.csv [...fileN.csv]')
def fail_args():
def error(msg):
print(f'Error: {msg}')
def j(thing):
# Parse CLI args and print usage if necessary
def parse_args(argv):
arg_map = {'id-column-name': None}
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:", ["help", "id-column-name="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
elif opt in ("-i", "--id-column-name"):
arg_map['id-column-name'] = arg
if len(args) == 0:
error('Missing csv file(s)')
return arg_map, args
# Read multiple csv BOM files into a single list
def read_boms(bom_files):
bom_list = []
for bom_file in bom_files:
with open(bom_file) as f:
bom_list.extend([{k: v for k, v in row.items()}
for row in csv.DictReader(f, skipinitialspace=True)])
return bom_list
# Print csv with the fields we care about to STDOUT
def print_csv(bom_list):
d = {**bom_list[0]}
d.pop('Footprint Lib', None)
d.pop('Description', None)
d.pop('Part', None)
d.pop('Part Lib', None)
fieldnames = d.keys()
writer = csv.DictWriter(
sys.stdout, fieldnames=fieldnames, extrasaction='ignore')
for item in bom_list:
# Normalize any field values after reading in the boms
def normalize_bom_values(bom_list):
def normalize_item(item):
item = {**item}
if 'Datasheet' in item and item['Datasheet'] == '~':
item['Datasheet'] = ''
return item
return list(map(normalize_item, bom_list))
# Split the "References" value (eg. "R101") into ref ("R") and num (101),
# sort on ref and num, and then remove ref and num from all dicts
def sort_by_ref(bom_list):
def add_sortable_keys(item):
ref ='^[A-Za-z]+', item['References']).group(0)
num = int('\d+$', item['References']).group(0))
return {**item, 'ref': ref, 'num': num}
bom_list = list(map(add_sortable_keys, bom_list))
bom_list = sorted(bom_list, key=lambda x: (x['ref'], x['num']))
def remove_sortable_keys(item):
item = {**item}
del item['ref']
del item['num']
return item
bom_list = list(map(remove_sortable_keys, bom_list))
return bom_list
# Combine multiple items into a single item (with a space-delimited References list)
# based on their "id-column-name" (if specified and present), otherwise on a combination
# of their value and footprint
def combine_refs(bom_list, opts):
partnum_keys = []
partnum_map = {}
id_col_name = opts['id-column-name']
for item in bom_list:
ref = item['References']
if id_col_name and item[id_col_name]:
key = item[id_col_name]
key = '--'.join([item['Value'], item['Footprint'],
item['Footprint Lib']])
if key not in partnum_map:
partnum_map[key] = {
**item, 'References': [], 'Quantity Per PCB': 0}
partnum_map[key]['Quantity Per PCB'] += 1
def get_flattened_dict_from_key(key):
d = partnum_map[key]
return {**d, 'References': ' '.join(d['References'])}
bom_list = list(map(get_flattened_dict_from_key, partnum_keys))
return bom_list
def main(argv):
opts, bom_files = parse_args(argv)
bom_list = read_boms(bom_files)
bom_list = normalize_bom_values(bom_list)
bom_list = sort_by_ref(bom_list)
bom_list = combine_refs(bom_list, opts)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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