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Created February 16, 2011 16:13
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JavaScript Type Stuff
// ============================================================
// Objects vs Primitives
// To make a long story short, use primitives wherever you can.
// ============================================================
// Primitive types: Null, Undefined, Number, Boolean, String.
var num1 = 9000,
num2 = new Number( 9000 ),
str1 = "hello world",
str2 = new String( "hello world" );
num1 // 9000
num2 // 9000
num1 === num2 // false !?
typeof num1 // "number"
typeof num2 // "object" !?
str1 // "hello world"
str2 // "[object Object]" !?
str2 + "" // "hello world"
str1 === str2 // false !?
str1 === str2 + "" // true
// ============================================================
// The typeof Operator
// A few things you should probably be aware of.
// ============================================================
typeof 1 // "number"
typeof "amazing" // "string"
typeof true // "boolean"
typeof {} // "object"
typeof [] // "object" ?!
typeof new Number( 1 ) // "object" ?!
typeof new String( "yo!" ) // "object" ?!
typeof new Boolean( true ) // "object" ?!
typeof function(){} // "function"
typeof /^foo$/i // "function" ?!
typeof undefined // "undefined"
typeof null // "object" ?!
typeof NaN // "number" ?!
// ============================================================
// The instanceof Operator
// A few more things you should probably be aware of.
// ============================================================
var obj = {}; // sample object
function fn(){} // sample function
obj instanceof Object // true
[] instanceof Array // true
fn instanceof Function // true
/^bar$/i instanceof RegExp // true
1 instanceof Number // false ?!
"amazing" instanceof String // false ?!
true instanceof Boolean // false ?!
Array( 1, 2, 3 ) instanceof Array // true
Function( "return 1" ) instanceof Function // true
RegExp( "^bar$", "i" ) instanceof RegExp // true
Object() instanceof Object // true
Number( 1 ) instanceof Number // false ?!
String( "amazing" ) instanceof String // false ?!
Boolean( true ) instanceof Boolean // false ?!
Date( "1/1/1999" ) instanceof Date // false ?!
new Number( 1 ) instanceof Number // true
new String( "amazing" ) instanceof String // true
new Boolean( true ) instanceof Boolean // true
new Date( "1/1/1999" ) instanceof Date // true
new Array( 1, 2, 3 ) instanceof Array // true
new Function( "return 1" ) instanceof Function // true
new RegExp( "^bar$", "i" ) instanceof RegExp // true
new Object() instanceof Object // true
// And, for what it's worth...
obj instanceof Object // true
[] instanceof Object // true
fn instanceof Object // true
/^bar$/i instanceof Object // true
1 instanceof Object // false
"amazing" instanceof Object // false
true instanceof Object // false
Array( 1, 2, 3 ) instanceof Object // true
Function( "return 1" ) instanceof Object // true
RegExp( "^bar$", "i" ) instanceof Object // true
Object() instanceof Object // true
Number( 1 ) instanceof Object // false
String( "amazing" ) instanceof Object // false
Boolean( true ) instanceof Object // false
Date( "1/1/1999" ) instanceof Object // false
new Number( 1 ) instanceof Object // true
new String( "amazing" ) instanceof Object // true
new Boolean( true ) instanceof Object // true
new Date( "1/1/1999" ) instanceof Object // true
new Array( 1, 2, 3 ) instanceof Object // true
new Function( "return 1" ) instanceof Object // true
new RegExp( "^bar$", "i" ) instanceof Object // true
// ============================================================
// Smarter Type Checking
// Endorsed by the professionals!
// ============================================================
// Since every Object has .toString, and all types inherit from Object...
var obj = {},
arr = [1,2,3];
obj.toString // "[object Object]"
arr.toString // "1,2,3"
// Use Object .toString method explicitly with call.
var toString = Object.prototype.toString; 1 ) // "[object Number]" Number( 1 ) ) // "[object Number]" new Number( 1 ) ) // "[object Number]" "a" ) // "[object String]" String( "a" ) ) // "[object String]" new String( "a" ) ) // "[object String]"
// A basic type-checking function.
function type( obj ) {
var types = {
"[object Number]": "number",
"[object String]": "string",
"[object Boolean]": "boolean",
"[object Function]": "function",
"[object Array]": "array",
"[object Date]": "date",
"[object RegExp]": "regexp",
"[object Object]": "object"
return types[ obj ) ];
type( 1 ) // "number"
type( Number( 1 ) ) // "number"
type( new Number( 1 ) ) // "number"
type( "a" ) // "string"
type( String( "a" ) ) // "string"
type( new String( "a" ) ) // "string"
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devi commented Feb 16, 2011

Thanks for this. Now I don't have to re-open the manual when I forgot this kind of things.

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jdalton commented Feb 16, 2011

Here is some spec to shed some light on the instanceof stuff.

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