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Created October 17, 2011 23:32
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Customizing form collections in Symfony2
{% block collection_widget %}
{% spaceless %}
<div class="collection">
{% if prototype is defined %}
{% set attr = attr|merge({'data-prototype': block('collection_item_widget') }) %}
{% endif %}
<div {{ block('widget_container_attributes') }}>
{{ form_errors(form) }}
{% for rows in form %}
{% set fieldNum = 1 %}
{% for row in rows %}
<div class="field{{ fieldNum }}">
{{ form_label(row) }}
{{ form_widget(row, { 'attr': { 'class': 'test' }}) }}
{% set fieldNum = fieldNum + 1 %}
{% endfor %}
<a class="remove" title="Remove" href="javascript:void()">
<div class="clear"></div>
{% endfor %}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
<div class="clear"></div>
<a class="add" title="Add" href="javascript:void()">
<div style="display: none;"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock collection_widget %}
{% block collection_item_widget %}
{% spaceless %}
{% set fieldNum = 1 %}
{% for row in prototype %}
<div class="field{{ fieldNum }}">
{{ form_label(row) }}
{{ form_widget(row, { 'attr': { 'class': 'test' }}) }}
{% set fieldNum = fieldNum + 1 %}
{% endfor %}
<a class="remove" title="Remove" href="javascript:void()">
<div class="clear"></div>
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock collection_item_widget %}
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sn00011 commented Jun 30, 2014

Hi @ujaladh, here is a link that might help.

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Looted commented Dec 27, 2014

When I try to use it with the symfony 2.6 bootstrap form theme, I get "Variable "widget" does not exist in bootstrap_3_layout.html.twig at line 169". The code responsible is below (fourth from bottom). Any idea how to fix this? Thanks.

{% block checkbox_radio_label %}
{% if required %}
{% set label_attr = label_attr|merge({class: (label_attr.class|default('') ~ ' required')|trim}) %}
{% endif %}
{% if parent_label_class is defined %}
{% set label_attr = label_attr|merge({class: (label_attr.class|default('') ~ ' ' ~ parent_label_class)|trim}) %}
{% endif %}
{% if label is empty %}
{% set label = name|humanize %}
{% endif %}
<label{% for attrname, attrvalue in label_attr %} {{ attrname }}="{{ attrvalue }}"{% endfor %}>
{{ widget|raw }}
{{ label|trans({}, translation_domain) }}

{% endblock checkbox_radio_label %}

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I just encountered the very same problem with this line 169.

A quick temporary fix was to replace the line 169 with :
{{ widget|default('')|raw }}

Google indicates me you are the only person having this problem as well, due to the fact we use this configuration :

        resources: ['bootstrap_3_layout.html.twig' ]

Did you find a way to fix this problem ?

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Thank you so much for this example.

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fredericlam commented Dec 8, 2017

Wow, awesome.

Thanks so much !

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