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Last active February 4, 2024 23:10
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Vim Plugin to rerun last shell-command in last vim terminal buffer
This plugin creates a vim command that re-runs the last shell command in the last vim terminal buffer.
This is useful for getting quick feedback while working on something. This workflow would look like:
* open a terminal in a vim window with `:terminal`
* run a shell command like `cargo check`
* Go back to editing and re-run the shell command from the previous step with :RerunLastThingInLastTerminal
Save this file to "rplugin/python3" in a vim 'runtimepath' directory (~/.config/nvim/rplugin/python3/ for example).
You probably want to map this command to a keybinding. I use "<leader>p" Drop the following in your .vimrc:
" save the current file and re-run the most recent command in the most recent terminal buffer
map <leader>p :w \|:RerunLastThingInLastTerminal <cr>
For a long time i've use a similiar command where I re-run the last thing in tmux. I did this with:
map ,t :w \|:! tmux send-keys -t 0:$(tmux display-message -p '\#I').1 C-l C-u "\!\!" Enter Enter <cr><cr>
But I wanted to be able to do this with a vim terminal buffer because it can take up less screen space.
Thank you whoever asked this question:
import pynvim
rerun_command_name = 'RerunLastThingInLastTerminal'
string_to_rerun_last_thing = '"!!\\<cr>\\<cr>"'
global_terminal_channel_id_variable_name = 'g:last_terminal_chan_id'
class Rerunner(object):
def __init__(self, nvim):
self.nvim = nvim
@pynvim.autocmd('TermOpen', sync=True)
def record_terminal_channel_id(self):
self.nvim.command(f'let {global_terminal_channel_id_variable_name} = b:terminal_job_id')
def rerun_last_thing_in_last_terminal(self):
self.nvim.command_output(f'call chansend(g:last_terminal_chan_id, {string_to_rerun_last_thing})')
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