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Last active July 30, 2018 12:04
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module Monad
/// Maybe (Option)
type Maybe<'a> =
| Nothing
| Just of 'a
static member inline doReturn (v) = Just v
static member inline doReturnFrom (v) = v
static member (>>=) (v,f) =
match v with
| Just v' -> f v'
| Nothing -> Nothing
static member (<!>) (f,v) =
match v with
| Just v' -> f v' |> Just
| Nothing -> Nothing
static member (<*>) (f,v) =
match f,v with
| Just f, Just v' -> f v' |> Just
| _ -> Nothing
///Result - alternative to Choice
type Result<'a,'b> =
| Success of 'a
| Fail of 'b
static member inline doReturn (v) = Success v
static member inline doReturnFrom (v) = v
static member (>>=) (v,f) =
match v with
| Success v' -> f v'
| Fail v' -> Fail v'
static member (<!>) (f,v) =
match v with
| Success v' -> f v' |> Success
| Fail v' -> Fail v'
static member (<*>) (f,v) =
match f,v with
| Success f, Success v' -> f v' |> Success
| Fail v', _ -> Fail v'
| _, Fail v' -> Fail v'
type AR<'a,'b> =
| AR of Async<Result<'a,'b>>
static member inline doReturn (v) = async { return Success v } |> AR
static member inline doZero () = async { return Fail "Failed" } |> AR
static member inline doReturnFrom (v) = v
static member (<!>) (f, AR v) = AR <| async {
let! v = v
match v with
| Success v' -> return (f v' |> Success)
| Fail v' -> return Fail v'
static member (<*>) (AR fArg, AR vArg) = AR <| async {
let! fChild = Async.StartChild fArg
let! vChild = Async.StartChild vArg
// wait for the results
let! f = fChild
let! v = vChild
// return f v
match f,v with
| Success f, Success v' -> return (f v' |> Success)
| Fail v', _ -> return Fail v'
| _, Fail v' -> return Fail v'
static member inline (>>=) (AR v, f: ('a -> AR<'c,'b>)) = Async.RunSynchronously <| async {
let! v = v
let x = match v with
| Success vv -> f vv
| Fail vv -> async { return Fail vv } |> AR
return x
static member inline (>>==) (AR v, f: ('a -> AR<'c,'b>)) = async {
let! v = v
let x = match v with
| Success vv -> f vv
| Fail vv -> async { return Fail vv } |> AR
return x
let inline return' (v : ^a) : ^b =
(^b : (static member doReturn : ^a -> ^b) v)
let inline returnFrom (v: ^a): ^a =
(^a: (static member doReturnFrom: ^a -> ^a) v)
let inline bind v f = v >>= f
let inline map f v = f <!> v
let inline ap f v = f <*> v
///Generic do' blocks
type DoBuilder() =
member inline x.Bind (v,f) = bind v f
member inline x.Return v = return' v
member inline x.ReturnFrom v = returnFrom v
let do' = DoBuilder()
module Maybe =
let inline fromOption o =
match o with
| Some v -> Just v
| None -> Nothing
let inline toOption r =
match r with
| Just v -> Some v
| Nothing -> None
module Result =
let inline fromOption msg o =
match o with
| Some v -> Success v
| None -> Fail msg
let inline toOption r =
match r with
| Success v -> Some v
| Fail _ -> None
module AR =
let inline run (AR v) = Async.RunSynchronously v
let inline runParallel (xs: AR<'a,'b> seq) =
|> (fun (AR v) -> v)
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
let inline fail s = async { return Fail s } |> AR
let sleep millis = AR <| async {
do! Async.Sleep millis
return Success ()
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cowlike commented Apr 8, 2018

code adapted from this blog

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