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Last active August 12, 2017 00:58
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Basic Setup and Hardening of a Linux Server

Science Friday - Basic Setup and Hardening of a Linux Server


  • Install VirtualBox for your platform
  • Download a Debian netinst ISO from Debian

Setting up our machine

Create a host-only network

In order for us to be able to access our virtual machine over the network, we will need to create a host-only network. The finer points of what exactly this means are beyond the scope of this document.

  1. Open VirtualBox preferences
  2. Select Network
  3. Open the Host-only Networks tab
  4. Click on the + button

This will add a new host-only network adapter, likely named vboxnet0.

Create a new virtual machine

Click New. In the open dialog, give your machine a name, type and version. In our case, we will be creating a Linux machine, version Debian (64-bit). The next few pages, we will go with the defaults for memory and disk size.

Click on the newly created record and then click Settings. Under Storage, select the installed device under Controller IDE labeled Empty. Next to the Optical drive, click the disk icon and navigate to the Debian installation ISO you downloaded earlier.

Under Network, click on the Adapter 2 tab and check Enable Network Adapter. In the Attached to dropdown, select Host-only Adapter. vboxnet0 should appear under name.

At this point we should be able to start the virtual machine and the Debian installation media will boot.

Intalling Debian

Debian has a number of installation options, including a graphical install. We will be using the default install method. When the Debian installation screen appears, press Enter. The first few screens ask information regarding localization and keyboard maps. Do what you will.

You will encounter a screen labeled Configure the Network where you should see two available network interfaces. The default is to use eth0 as the primary interface. This is fine.

Choose your hostname and domain. These can be changed later, and since we're running on local VMs, it doesn't overly matter for what we're doing.

Choose a root password. You will also be asked to create a new user. Enter and verify that user's password. We will be working with this user more later.

Choose a timezone. When it is time to partition disks, choosing Guided - use entire disk and all files in one partition is fine for our purposes. Agree to the partition table and continue.

It is ok to use the defaults when configuring the package manager. After choosing a location and a mirror (and configure a proxy if necessary) Debian will download and install the base system.

On the software selection screen, we will deselect Debian desktop environment and print server, but we will enable SSH server. A desktop environment may be added later if you want, but since this is intended as a server, we want a pretty bare-bones system. Navigate thru the screen using your arrow keys. Press the space bar to select or deselect an option. Tab to Continue and press Enter. Debian will install the remaining packages.

You will be asked to install the GRUB boot loader, to which you will agree and select /dev/sda as the installation target.

With this complete, you will be prompted to reboot. Don't worry about removing the installation media, the system will do that for you.

In a few seconds, you will see the boot loader screen. Hit enter, or wait for it to autoboot. You will then see a login prompt. You are now ready to log in. The next few steps will require elevated privileges, so go ahead and log in as root.

Configure networking

In order to allow us to access our virtual machine over ssh, we need to enable and configure the host-only network adapter we added to our virtual machine. While this is not a step we would often perform when setting up a typical cloud VPS, it is good to be at least aware of network interface configuration.

During installation, Debian only configures the primary interface, eth0. We're going to leave this be and enable eth1 for our remote access. While this step is not typical when configuring a cloud server, the networking principles are basic to Linux and worth at least being aware of.

Verify network interfaces

Having logged into the virtual machine as root, check and verify that both network interfaces are present:

ifconfig -a

You should see two configured interfaces: eth0 and eth1. eth0 will have an IP4 address configured, and perhaps an IP6 address as well. eth1 should not have any addresses assigned

Enable secondary interface

Using your editor of choice, open /etc/network/interfaces

To the end of the file you will want to add:

# Secondary network interface, vbox host-only
allow-hotplug eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

Save and close the file.

The first line tells the server to automatically bring up the interface. The second configures it for DHCP. A static address may be configured, but we'll stick with this for now.

Now, reboot the machine:

shutdown -r now

When the machine comes back up, log in again as root and once again check our interfaces by typing ifconfig -a.

We should now see the second interface, eth1, has an IP4 address assigned. Make a note of this address as we'll need it later. We should also now be able to access the virtual machine from our host machine over ssh:

ssh *youruser*@*yourip*

Empower your user

It is best to do most if not all of your work as a less privileged user than root. The Debian installation creates a user for this purpose. We will want to allow this user to perform some tasks with escalated privileges.

First we will need to install sudo and give our user access.

apt-get install sudo
adduser *youruser* sudo

Now, log out of the root account and log back in with your less-privileged user. We will test that we have access to sudo:

sudo ls

You should have been warned about the implications of using sudo and prompted for your password.

Improve SSH Access

Generate a keypair

Our goal is to allow our user to authenticate to the virtual server using public key encryption rather than passwords. To do this, we will have to generate a keypair and install the public key on the virtual machine.

First, we need a safe place to keep our keys and configs. On your local machine:

mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh

Now, also on our local machine, we will generate our key. If a key name is not specified, the default is to create a pair of files called id_rsa and Today we will create a keypair called debian_server

ssh-keygen -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/debian_server

Push your keypair

During keypair creation, you will be prompted for an optional passphrase. It is up to you whether you use one, but an empty passphrase is also acceptable.

We will need to copy our public key to the virtual server to use it for remote access. To do this, we'll use ssh-copy-id. On your local machine:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/debian_server *youruser*@*yourip*

You will be prompted for your remote password, then the file will copy securely to the remote machine. To verify the key is present on the virtual server, from that machine type:

cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

You should see your key as the last item listed.

Configure SSH locally

At this point you should be able to access the virtual server using your keypair for authentication:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/debian_server *youruser*@*yourip*

However, why do so much typing? ssh allows us to configure our local client for name-based access.

On your local machine, create or edit the file ~/.ssh/config and add the following:

Host debian-server
    HostName *yourip*
    User *youruser*
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/debian_server

With this in place, you may connect to the remote server simply by the name configured:

ssh debian-server

Lock down SSH access

Disable root remote login

We have options to significantly restrict SSH access and to minimize the ability for attackers to brute-force a remote login. First, we will require that all SSH users are non-root users. We will edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Find the setting PermitRootLogin and set it to no.

Disable passwords

Still in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, look for the setting PasswordAuthentication and set it to no. This will disable the use of passwords when logging in over SSH, thus requiring that your keys have been installed.

Now you may restart the SSH server for the new settings to take effect.

sudo systemctl restart sshd

You should now see access denied when trying to log in as root, or as any user not configured in ~/.ssh/config

Removing unwanted services

There are likely at least a couple of services running on a default installation that we do not want. To list the running services, type:

sudo netstat -tulpn

On my system, I expect to see sshd and dhclient, but I also so see rpcbind rpc.statd and exim, which I currently do not intend to use. I see that removing rpcbind will also remove rpc.statd, so I only have to uninstall one.

sudo apt-get purge rpcbind exim4
sudo systemctl stop exim4

Running sudo netstat -tulpn again will show that now we are only running sshd and dhclient.

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