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Created April 8, 2019 00:06
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// Copyright 2015-2019 Brett Vickers.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package etree provides XML services through an Element Tree
// abstraction.
package xmlwrap
import (
// ErrXML is returned when XML parsing fails due to incorrect formatting.
var ErrXML = errors.New("etree: invalid XML format")
// A Document is a container holding a complete XML tree.
// A document has a single embedded element, which contains zero or more child
// tokens, one of which is usually the root element. The embedded element may
// include other children such as processing instruction tokens or character
// data tokens. The document's embedded element is never directly serialized;
// only its children are.
// A document also contains read and write settings, which influence the way
// the document is deserialized, serialized, and indented.
type Document struct {
// An Element represents an XML element, its attributes, and its child tokens.
type Element struct {
Name xml.Name
CharData string
attrs [][2]string // key-value attribute pairs
Children []*Element // child tokens (elements, comments, etc.)
Line, Col int
func (e *Element) addAttr(k, v string, check bool) {
if check {
for i, a := range e.attrs {
if a[0] == k {
e.attrs[i] = [2]string{k, v}
e.attrs = append(e.attrs, [2]string{k, v})
func (e *Element) Attr(k string) (string, bool) {
for _, a := range e.attrs {
if a[0] == k {
return a[1], true
return "", false
// NewDocument creates an XML document without a root element.
func NewDocument() *Document {
return &Document{
Element: Element{Children: make([]*Element, 0)},
// ReadFrom reads XML from the reader 'r' into this document. The function
// returns the number of bytes read and any error encountered.
func (d *Document) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error) {
return d.Element.readFrom(r)
// ReadFromString reads XML from the string 's' into this document.
func (d *Document) ReadFromString(s string) error {
_, err := d.ReadFrom(strings.NewReader(s))
return err
type stack struct {
data []*Element
func (s *stack) empty() bool {
return len( == 0
func (s *stack) push(value *Element) { = append(, value)
func (s *stack) pop() *Element {
value :=[len(][len(] = nil =[:len(]
return value
func (s *stack) peek() *Element {
type lineReader struct {
r io.Reader
read int
lines []int
func (lr *lineReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := lr.r.Read(p)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if p[i] == '\n' {
lr.lines = append(lr.lines,
} += n
return n, err
func (lr *lineReader) Get(offset int) (line, col int) {
idx := sort.Search(len(lr.lines), func(i int) bool {
return offset <= lr.lines[i]
if idx < len(lr.lines) {
if idx == 0 {
return idx + 1, offset
return idx + 1, offset - lr.lines[idx-1]
return len(lr.lines) + 1, offset - lr.lines[len(lr.lines)-1]
// ReadFrom reads XML from the reader ;ri' and stores the result as a new
// child of this element.
func (e *Element) readFrom(ri io.Reader) (n int64, err error) {
r := &lineReader{r: ri, lines: []int{}}
dec := xml.NewDecoder(r)
rdec := reflect.ValueOf(dec).Elem().FieldByName("offset")
var stack stack
for {
t, err := dec.RawToken()
switch {
case err == io.EOF:
return 0, nil
case err != nil:
return 0, err
case stack.empty():
return 0, ErrXML
top := stack.peek()
switch t := t.(type) {
case xml.StartElement:
e := &Element{
Name: t.Name,
attrs: make([][2]string, 0),
Children: make([]*Element, 0),
e.Line, e.Col = r.Get(int(rdec.Int()))
for _, a := range t.Attr {
e.addAttr(a.Name.Local, a.Value, false)
top.Children = append(top.Children, e)
case xml.EndElement:
case xml.CharData:
top.CharData += string(t)
// var flags charDataFlags
//newCharData(data, flags, top)
// case xml.Comment:
// newComment(string(t), top)
// case xml.Directive:
// newDirective(string(t), top)
// case xml.ProcInst:
// newProcInst(t.Target, string(t.Inst), top)
func (e *Element) Text() string {
var p bytes.Buffer
// for _, c := range e.Children {
// p.WriteString(c.Text())
// }
return p.String()
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