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Last active October 6, 2023 15:44
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Vault script
;; This is an example of a vault script. The general concept is to have two keys — a
;; hot key and a cold key. The cold key is allowed to spend from the script at any
;; time. If a spend is initiated using the hot key, a timer is started. The hot key
;; is allowed to spend the funds after the timer expires. At any time before the timer
;; expires the cold key can spend the funds.
;; The script allows the following list of custom parameters:
;;(<hot-key (num)> <cold-key (num)> <fee (num)> <recovery-window (num)> <required-precision (num)>)
;; Remember the illium address commits to both hash of this function (the script-commitment) and
;; the list of the custom parameters (script-params). Ex)
;; address = serialize(hash(script-commitment || script-params), view_key)
;; Funding transactions should always keep the input state set at zero.
;; The unlocking parameters must equal:
;; (<signature (list num)> <output-index>)
;; Where output index is the index of the contract output when signing with the hot key when
;; the input state is zero. If the input state is non-zero or the cold key is being used to sign
;; the output-index can be omitted.
;; If you try to spend using the hot key when the input state is zero it checks:
;; - The output script-hash is equal to the script-commitment (ie. the coins are sent
; back into this same script).
;; - The locktime precision is less than or equal to the required-precision.
;; - The output state is set to the locktime.
;; - The output amount is equal to the input amount minus the fee.
;; - A valid hot key signature is provided covering the transaction's sighash.
;; - The output salt is computed as the hash of the input salt. This is done because in
;; this case we are presupposing the hot key is compromised and if the attacker were
;; allowed to set the salt he could lock us out of the contract.
;; Using the hot key to spend from this script when the input state is not zero requires:
;; - The locktime is greater than the locktime found in the input state plus the recovery window
;; - The locktime precision is less than or equal to the required-precision.
;; - A valid hot key signature covering the transaction's sighash.
(lambda (script-params unlocking-params input-index private-params public-params)
(let (
(signature (car unlocking-params))
(output-index (car (cdr unlocking-params)))
(locktime (list-get 8 public-params))
(precision (list-get 9 public-params))
(sig-hash (list-get 7 public-params))
(input (list-get input-index (car private-params)))
(output (list-get output-index (car (cdr private-params))))
(script-commitment (car input))
(in-amount (list-get 1 input))
(out-amount (list-get 1 output))
(in-state (list-get 6 input))
(out-state (list-get 3 output))
(out-script-hash (car output))
(in-salt (list-get 7 input))
(out-salt (list-get 4 output))
(hot-key (list-get 0 script-params))
(cold-key (list-get 1 script-params))
(fee (list-get 2 script-params))
(recovery-window (list-get 3 script-params))
(required-precision (list-get 4 script-params)))
(if (check-sig signature cold-key sig-hash)
(if (= (car in-state) 0)
(if (eq (car out-state) locktime)
(if (<= precision required-precision)
(if (= out-amount (- in-amount fee))
(if (eq out-script-hash script-commitment)
(if (eq salt (hash in-salt))
(check-sig signature hot-key sig-hash)
(if (> locktime (+ (car in-state) recovery-window))
(if (<= precision required-precision)
(check-sig signature hot-key sig-hash)
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