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Last active October 13, 2023 22:34
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Auction contract
;; This is an example of an auction contract. Users can place new bids by calling
;; the bid method with the appropriate inputs and outputs:
;; Bid tx-format:
;; --------------
;; Input-0: This contract
;; Input-1: Bid input
;; Output-0: This contract
;; Output-1: Refund to previous high bidder
;; Output-2: Change
(lambda (script-params unlocking-params input-index private-params public-params)
;; Grab the locktime fields from the public parameters
!(def locktime !(param locktime))
!(def locktime-precision !(param locktime-precision))
;; Assert that the locktime precision is less within the required range.
!(assert (<= locktime-precision 60))
;; Bid is a method to the contract. It can be called any time prior to
;; expiration to increase the current bid amount.
;; It will also refund the previous high bidder his money.
!(defun bid (bid-amount refund-output) (
;; Import the encryption function from the standard library
!(import std/crypto)
;; Set a bunch of variables based on the input parameters
!(def input-script-hash !(param priv-in 0 script-hash))
!(def state !(param priv-in 0 state ))
!(def current-bid (car state))
!(def prev-bidder-comm (car (cdr state)))
!(def asset-id !(param priv-in 0 asset-id))
!(def refund-comm (hash refund-output))
!(def bid-amount (car (cdr unlocking-params)))
!(def new-state !(list bid-amount refund-comm))
!(def in-salt !(param priv-in 0 salt))
!(def new-salt (hash in-salt))
!(def new-output !(list input-script-hash bid-amount asset-id new-state new-salt))
;; Assert that input 1's amount is greater than or equal to the bid amount provided
;; in the unlocking params.
!(assert (>= !(param priv-in 1 amount) bid-amount))
;; Assert that output 0 is constructed as expected
;; - script-hash is same as the input script-hash (recursion)
;; - amount is equal to the new bid
;; - asset-id is equal to the input asset id
;; - the new state is of form (bid-amount bidder-comm)
;; - the salt is the hash of the previous salt
!(assert-eq !(param priv-out 0) new-output)
;; Assert that the input 1 amount is greater than the current bid
!(assert (> bid-amount current-bid))
;; Assert that the bidder's commitment contains the correct amount
!(assert-eq bid-amount (list-get 1 refund-output))
;; Assert that the bidder's commitment contains the correct asset id
!(assert-eq asset-id (list-get 2 refund-output))
;; Assert the public output 1 commitment is equal to the prev-bidder-comm
!(assert-eq !(param pub-out 1) prev-bidder-comm)
;; Assert that the public output 0 ciphertext is equal to the encryption of
;; the new contract output.
!(assert-eq !(param pub-out 0 ciphertext) (encrypt new-salt new-output))
;; Assert that the tranasction's locktime is less than the auction expiration
!(assert (< locktime (car script-params)))
;; Return true
;; Withdraw is another method. It can be used the by the auction beneficiary to withdraw
;; the funds after expiration
!(defun withdraw (signature) (
;; Import the check-sig function from the standard library
!(import std/crypto)
;; Assert that the tranasction's locktime is greater than or equal to the auction expiration
!(assert (>= locktime (car script-params)))
;; Assert that the transaction's sig-hash is signed by the key provided in the script-params
!(assert (check-sig signature (car (cdr script-params)) !(param sighash)))
;; Return true
;; Execute one of the two methods based on the selection in the unlocking params
(if (= (car unlocking-params) 0)
(bid (list-get 1 unlocking-params) (list-get 2 unlocking-params))
(if (= (car unlocking-params) 1)
(withdraw (list-get 1 unlocking-params))
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