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Created October 6, 2020 04:36
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modal_bottom_sheet Router 2.0 support
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:modal_bottom_sheet/modal_bottom_sheet.dart';
/// A page that creates a material style [PageRoute].
/// {@macro flutter.material.materialRouteTransitionMixin}
/// By default, when the created route is replaced by another, the previous
/// route remains in memory. To free all the resources when this is not
/// necessary, set [maintainState] to false.
/// The `fullscreenDialog` property specifies whether the created route is a
/// fullscreen modal dialog. On iOS, those routes animate from the bottom to the
/// top rather than horizontally.
/// The type `T` specifies the return type of the route which can be supplied as
/// the route is popped from the stack via [Navigator.transitionDelegate] by
/// providing the optional `result` argument to the
/// [RouteTransitionRecord.markForPop] in the [TransitionDelegate.resolve].
/// See also:
/// * [MaterialWithModalPageRoute], which is the [PageRoute] version of this class
class MaterialWithModalPage<T> extends Page<T> {
/// Creates a material page.
const MaterialWithModalPage({
@required this.child,
this.maintainState = true,
this.fullscreenDialog = false,
LocalKey key,
String name,
Object arguments,
}) : assert(child != null),
assert(maintainState != null),
assert(fullscreenDialog != null),
super(key: key, name: name, arguments: arguments);
/// The content to be shown in the [Route] created by this page.
final Widget child;
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.modalRoute.maintainState}
final bool maintainState;
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.pageRoute.fullscreenDialog}
final bool fullscreenDialog;
Route<T> createRoute(BuildContext context) {
return _PageBasedMaterialWithModalPageRoute<T>(page: this);
// A page-based version of MaterialWithModalPageRoute.
// This route uses the builder from the page to build its content. This ensures
// the content is up to date after page updates.
class _PageBasedMaterialWithModalPageRoute<T> extends PageRoute<T>
with MaterialRouteTransitionMixin<T> {
@required MaterialWithModalPage<T> page,
}) : assert(page != null),
super(settings: page);
ModalBottomSheetRoute _nextModalRoute;
bool canTransitionTo(TransitionRoute<dynamic> nextRoute) {
// Don't perform outgoing animation if the next route is a fullscreen dialog.
return (nextRoute is MaterialPageRoute && !nextRoute.fullscreenDialog) ||
(nextRoute is CupertinoPageRoute && !nextRoute.fullscreenDialog) ||
(nextRoute is MaterialWithModalsPageRoute &&
!nextRoute.fullscreenDialog) ||
(nextRoute is ModalBottomSheetRoute);
void didChangeNext(Route nextRoute) {
if (nextRoute is ModalBottomSheetRoute) {
_nextModalRoute = nextRoute;
void didPopNext(Route nextRoute) {
bool didPop(T result) {
_nextModalRoute = null;
return super.didPop(result);
Widget buildTransitions(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation,
Animation<double> secondaryAnimation, Widget child) {
final theme = Theme.of(context).pageTransitionsTheme;
if (_nextModalRoute != null) {
if (!secondaryAnimation.isDismissed) {
// Avoid default transition theme to animate when a new modal view is pushed
final fakeSecondaryAnimation =
Tween<double>(begin: 0, end: 0).animate(secondaryAnimation);
final defaultTransition = theme.buildTransitions<T>(
this, context, animation, fakeSecondaryAnimation, child);
return _nextModalRoute.getPreviousRouteTransition(
context, secondaryAnimation, defaultTransition);
} else {
_nextModalRoute = null;
return theme.buildTransitions<T>(
this, context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child);
MaterialWithModalPage<T> get _page => settings as MaterialWithModalPage<T>;
Widget buildContent(BuildContext context) {
return _page.child;
bool get maintainState => _page.maintainState;
bool get fullscreenDialog => _page.fullscreenDialog;
String get debugLabel => '${super.debugLabel}(${})';
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njovy commented Apr 12, 2022

Thank you so much for this!

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