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Created November 20, 2011 17:39
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# conrad dean
# Problem:
# Take the scrambled image, and try to reconstruct it
# Assumptions: shreds are vertical, complete, and uniform in width
# shreds are 32px wide
import Image,ImageChops
class Shredded:
def __init__(self,file_path):
self.original =
self.shred_count = 20
self.shred_width = self.original.size[0]/self.shred_count
self.skip = 10 # shave time by only doing every nth row in an image
def shred_zone(self,i):
""" returns the shred rectangle region by index """
if not 0 <= i <= self.shred_count:
print i, "is not a propershred with", self.shred_count
raise Exception
x1, y1 = self.shred_width * i, 0
x2, y2 = x1 + self.shred_width, self.original.size[1]
return (x1, y1, x2, y2)
def shred(self,i):
""" returns the shred by index as an image """
rectangle = self.shred_zone(i)
return self.original.crop(rectangle)
def compare_shreds_pixelbypixel_sum(self,left,right):
left = self.shred(left)
right = self.shred(right)
#for rightmost col in left, and leftmost col in right, zip down and add up how nice those pixels are
# get your columns of pixels
# only look at some of the pixels
rightmost_pixels = [left.getpixel((left.size[0]-1,y)) for y in range(left.size[1])]
leftmost_pixels = [right.getpixel((0,y)) for y in range(right.size[1])]
return sum(self.pixel_diff(r,l)**2 for r,l in zip(leftmost_pixels,rightmost_pixels))
def compare_shreds_edgebinary(self,left,right):
Uses a binary-based pixel comparison instead of a distance metric
left = self.shred(left)
right = self.shred(right)
#for rightmost col in left, and leftmost col in right, zip down and add up how nice those pixels are
# get your columns of pixels
# only look at some of the pixels
rightmost_pixels = [left.getpixel((left.size[0]-1,y)) for y in range(left.size[1])[::self.skip]]
leftmost_pixels = [right.getpixel((0,y)) for y in range(right.size[1])[::self.skip]]
return sum(self.pixel_diff_binary(r,l) for r,l in zip(leftmost_pixels,rightmost_pixels))
def compare_shreds(self,left,right):
""" returns a score of how good the shreds would feel
if placed next to eachother. smaller == better"""
#return self.compare_shreds_pixelbypixel_sum(left,right)
return self.compare_shreds_edgebinary(left,right)
def pixel_diff(self,a,b):
""" return a score of how different one pixel is from another """
return max(abs(channelA - channelB) for channelA , channelB in zip(a,b))
def pixel_diff_binary(self,a,b):
diff = self.pixel_diff(a,b)
threshold = 20
return 1 if diff > threshold else 0
def guess(self,shred_list):
feed it a list of indexes, and it returns a construction of the
shreds in that order
#assert len(shred_list) == self.shred_count
output ="RGBA", self.original.size)
shreds = [self.shred(i) for i in shred_list]
for s,i in zip(shreds,range(len(shreds))):
destination_point = (self.shred_width*i,0)
return output
def best_on_right(self, anchor, possible_shreds):
pass it the index to one shred, and a list of many shreds and it'll
decide the best matching shred if placed to the right of the anchor
# to do: if the best is not much better than the worst, or within a set threshold, return None to imply Anchor might be the rightmost shred
guys = []
for i in possible_shreds:
return sorted(guys)[0][1]
def best_on_left(self, anchor, possible_shreds):
"""pass it the index to one shred, and a list of many shreds and it'll decide
the best matching shred if placed to the left of the anchor shred"""
# to do: if the best is not much better than the worst, or within a set threshold, return None to imply Anchor might be the leftmost shred
guys = []
for i in possible_shreds:
return sorted(guys)[0][1]
def build_outward(self):
start with a shred, find the best match on the left and right sides,
and choose the best from those two then treat the merged shred as
the anchor and continue
remaining = range(self.shred_count)
anchor = [remaining.pop()]
while remaining:
anchor_left_edge = anchor[0]
anchor_right_edge = anchor[-1]
on_left = self.best_on_left(anchor_left_edge,remaining)
on_right = self.best_on_right(anchor_right_edge,remaining)
if self.compare_shreds(on_left,anchor_left_edge) > self.compare_shreds(anchor_right_edge,on_right):
#TODO remove()?
return anchor
def show_pair(self,left,right):
height = self.original.size[1]
new ="RGBA",(self.shred_width*2, height))
new.paste(self.shred(right),(self.shred_width,0,self.shred_width*2,height)) title=str( self.compare_shreds(left,right),left , right))
return ( self.compare_shreds(left,right),left , right)
def sameImage(i,j):
""" returns True if image i and j match """
return ImageChops.difference(i,j).getbbox() is None
shredded ="shredded.png")
goal ="goal.png")
goal_copy ="RGBA", goal.size)
# naiive test of sameImage function against exact same data
assert sameImage(goal, goal)
# against different data copied over
assert sameImage(goal_copy, goal)
# make sure it can actually tell two different images apart
assert not sameImage(shredded, goal)
# tests
shredded = Shredded("shredded.png")
# assert that these pixels are different
assert 0 != shredded.pixel_diff(goal.getpixel((0,0)),goal.getpixel((24,88)))
# that these are the same
assert 0 == shredded.pixel_diff(goal.getpixel((24,88)),goal.getpixel((24,88)))
# make sure the .guess() can reconstruct the original
assert sameImage(shredded.original,shredded.guess(range(20)))
# make sure reversing the input list reverses the shred order
assert not sameImage(shredded.original,shredded.guess(range(20)[::-1]))
def fib(n):
#for baseline time units
if n in (0,1):
return 1
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
from time import time
start = time()
fib30 = time() - start
start = time()
test = shredded.build_outward()
build = time() - start
print build, "seconds"
print build/fib30, "fib30's"
print "check if they're the samee"
assert sameImage(goal,shredded.guess(test))
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